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Timers and counters

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Tue 17 Jan 2012 01:17 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 04 Jul 2015 04:40 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

This page can be quickly reached from the link:

The Atmega328 (as on the Arduino Uno) has three timers/counters on-board the chip.

Timer 0 is set up by the init() function (which is automatically called by the code generated by the IDE, before setup() is called). This is used to count approximately every millisecond. This provides you with the figure that the millis() function returns.

You can use these timers easily enough by using the analogWrite function - that just generates a PWM (pulse width modulated) output on the various pins that the timer hardware supports.

But for a more in-depth analysis, let's look at using the timers/counters in our own way. :)

The example code below provides a "frequency counter" which counts the number of events which cause a rising edge on digital pin D5 during a specified interval.

For example, if you put a 5 kHz signal on pin D5, and time it for one second, the count will be 5000. You could also time it for 1/10 of a second (giving you a count of 500) and then multiply the result by 10, again giving you a figure of 5 kHz.

A longer timing period will give higher accuracy, and also average out any small variations during the sample time. However, of course, a longer timing period takes longer to execute.

Counter 1 - used to count pulses

In the code below Timer 1 is configured to count the number of times that a leading edge (rising pulse) is detected on D5. Each event increments the internal counter in the timer. When the 16-bit timer overflows an overflow interrupt is executed which counts the number of overflows.

When the time is up, the number of counts is the current counter contents of timer 1, plus the number of overflows multiplied by 65536.

Timer 2 - used to work out a timing interval

The counts are meaningless unless we know over what interval they occurred, which is what we use Timer 2 for. It is set up to take the internal clock (normally 16 MHz on a Uno), and "pre-scale" it by dividing it by 128. The pre-scaled clock will then "tick" every 8 microseconds (since the clock itself runs with a period of 1/16000000 or 62.5 ns).

So we configure Timer 2 to count up to 125 and then generate an interrupt. This interrupt gives us a chance to see if our counting period is up. Since 8 µs times 125 gives 1000 µs, that means we get interrupted exactly every 1 ms.

Note that Timer 2 has a higher priority than Timers 0 and 1, so neither the millis() timer, nor the Timer 1 counter will take precedence over this interrupt.

In the Timer 2 interrupt we see if time is up (basically whether the required number of milliseconds is up). Is not, we just keep going. If time is up, we turn off both Timers 1 and 2, calculate the total count (by multiplying the number of overflows by 65536 and adding in the remaining counts) and exit.

Frequency Counter sketch for Atmega328

// Timer and Counter example
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 17th January 2012

// Input: Pin D5

// these are checked for in the main program
volatile unsigned long timerCounts;
volatile boolean counterReady;

// internal to counting routine
unsigned long overflowCount;
unsigned int timerTicks;
unsigned int timerPeriod;

void startCounting (unsigned int ms) 
  counterReady = false;         // time not up yet
  timerPeriod = ms;             // how many 1 ms counts to do
  timerTicks = 0;               // reset interrupt counter
  overflowCount = 0;            // no overflows yet

  // reset Timer 1 and Timer 2
  TCCR1A = 0;             
  TCCR1B = 0;              
  TCCR2A = 0;
  TCCR2B = 0;

  // Timer 1 - counts events on pin D5
  TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1);   // interrupt on Timer 1 overflow

  // Timer 2 - gives us our 1 ms counting interval
  // 16 MHz clock (62.5 ns per tick) - prescaled by 128
  //  counter increments every 8 µs. 
  // So we count 125 of them, giving exactly 1000 µs (1 ms)
  TCCR2A = bit (WGM21) ;   // CTC mode
  OCR2A  = 124;            // count up to 125  (zero relative!!!!)

  // Timer 2 - interrupt on match (ie. every 1 ms)
  TIMSK2 = bit (OCIE2A);   // enable Timer2 Interrupt

  TCNT1 = 0;      // Both counters to zero
  TCNT2 = 0;     

  // Reset prescalers
  GTCCR = bit (PSRASY);        // reset prescaler now
  // start Timer 2
  TCCR2B =  bit (CS20) | bit (CS22) ;  // prescaler of 128
  // start Timer 1
  // External clock source on T1 pin (D5). Clock on rising edge.
  TCCR1B =  bit (CS10) | bit (CS11) | bit (CS12);
  }  // end of startCounting

  ++overflowCount;               // count number of Counter1 overflows  
  }  // end of TIMER1_OVF_vect

//  Timer2 Interrupt Service is invoked by hardware Timer 2 every 1 ms = 1000 Hz
//  16Mhz / 128 / 125 = 1000 Hz

  // grab counter value before it changes any more
  unsigned int timer1CounterValue;
  timer1CounterValue = TCNT1;  // see datasheet, page 117 (accessing 16-bit registers)
  unsigned long overflowCopy = overflowCount;

  // see if we have reached timing period
  if (++timerTicks < timerPeriod) 
    return;  // not yet

  // if just missed an overflow
  if ((TIFR1 & bit (TOV1)) && timer1CounterValue < 256)

  // end of gate time, measurement ready

  TCCR1A = 0;    // stop timer 1
  TCCR1B = 0;    

  TCCR2A = 0;    // stop timer 2
  TCCR2B = 0;    

  TIMSK1 = 0;    // disable Timer1 Interrupt
  TIMSK2 = 0;    // disable Timer2 Interrupt
  // calculate total count
  timerCounts = (overflowCopy << 16) + timer1CounterValue;  // each overflow is 65536 more
  counterReady = true;              // set global flag for end count period
  }  // end of TIMER2_COMPA_vect

void setup () 
  Serial.println("Frequency Counter");
  } // end of setup

void loop () 
  // stop Timer 0 interrupts from throwing the count out
  byte oldTCCR0A = TCCR0A;
  byte oldTCCR0B = TCCR0B;
  TCCR0A = 0;    // stop timer 0
  TCCR0B = 0;    
  startCounting (500);  // how many ms to count for

  while (!counterReady) 
     { }  // loop until count over

  // adjust counts by counting interval to give frequency in Hz
  float frq = (timerCounts *  1000.0) / timerPeriod;

  Serial.print ("Frequency: ");
  Serial.print ((unsigned long) frq);
  Serial.println (" Hz.");
  // restart timer 0
  TCCR0A = oldTCCR0A;
  TCCR0B = oldTCCR0B;
  // let serial stuff finish
  }   // end of loop

[EDIT] Amended 25 April 2012 to make more accurate by allowing for overflows in Timer 1 during the interrupt service routine, and by stopping Timer 0.

[EDIT] Amended 28 June 2013 to fix bug where I was testing for TIFR1 & TOV1 rather than TIFR1 & _BV (TOV1).

[EDIT] Amended 31 August 2013 to change _BV() to bit().


Pumping in a 5 MHz signal from a signal generator, the sketch outputs around 5001204 (give or take a couple of counts). The error (assuming the signal generator is accurate) is therefore 1204/500000 or about 0.02% error.

Trying with a 5 kHz signal, the sketch outputs around 5000 to 5002, an error of 2/5000 or 0.04% error.

So, pretty accurate. Tests on my Arduino clock showed that the clock itself was around 0.2% wrong, so we can't really expect better accuracy than that.


I measured up to 8 MHz with about 0.5% error. At 5 MHz the error was down to 0.02% as described above. At the other end of the scale, it measured down to 10 Hz without any obvious error. Below that errors crept in, particularly as the sample period is only 500 ms.

More examples of timers and interrupts here:

Frequency Counter sketch for Atmega2560

// Timer and Counter example for Mega2560
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 24th April 2012

// input on pin D47 (T5)

// these are checked for in the main program
volatile unsigned long timerCounts;
volatile boolean counterReady;

// internal to counting routine
unsigned long overflowCount;
unsigned int timerTicks;
unsigned int timerPeriod;

void startCounting (unsigned int ms) 

  counterReady = false;         // time not up yet
  timerPeriod = ms;             // how many 1 ms counts to do
  timerTicks = 0;               // reset interrupt counter
  overflowCount = 0;            // no overflows yet

  // reset Timer 2 and Timer 5
  TCCR2A = 0;
  TCCR2B = 0;
  TCCR5A = 0;             
  TCCR5B = 0;  

  // Timer 5 - counts events on pin D47
  TIMSK5 = bit (TOIE1);   // interrupt on Timer 5 overflow

  // Timer 2 - gives us our 1 ms counting interval
  // 16 MHz clock (62.5 ns per tick) - prescaled by 128
  //  counter increments every 8 µs. 
  // So we count 125 of them, giving exactly 1000 µs (1 ms)
  TCCR2A = bit (WGM21) ;   // CTC mode
  OCR2A  = 124;            // count up to 125  (zero relative!!!!)

  // Timer 2 - interrupt on match (ie. every 1 ms)
  TIMSK2 = bit (OCIE2A);   // enable Timer2 Interrupt

  TCNT2 = 0;     
  TCNT5 = 0;      // Both counters to zero

  // Reset prescalers
  GTCCR = bit (PSRASY);        // reset prescaler now
  // start Timer 2
  TCCR2B =  bit (CS20) | bit (CS22) ;  // prescaler of 128
  // start Timer 5
  // External clock source on T4 pin (D47). Clock on rising edge.
  TCCR5B =  bit (CS50) | bit (CS51) | bit (CS52);

}  // end of startCounting

  ++overflowCount;               // count number of Counter1 overflows  
}  // end of TIMER5_OVF_vect

//  Timer2 Interrupt Service is invoked by hardware Timer 2 every 1 ms = 1000 Hz
//  16Mhz / 128 / 125 = 1000 Hz

  // grab counter value before it changes any more
  unsigned int timer5CounterValue;
  timer5CounterValue = TCNT5;  // see datasheet, (accessing 16-bit registers)

  // see if we have reached timing period
  if (++timerTicks < timerPeriod) 
    return;  // not yet

  // if just missed an overflow
  if (TIFR5 & TOV5)

  // end of gate time, measurement ready

  TCCR5A = 0;    // stop timer 5
  TCCR5B = 0;    

  TCCR2A = 0;    // stop timer 2
  TCCR2B = 0;    

  TIMSK2 = 0;    // disable Timer2 Interrupt
  TIMSK5 = 0;    // disable Timer5 Interrupt

  // calculate total count
  timerCounts = (overflowCount << 16) + timer5CounterValue;  // each overflow is 65536 more
  counterReady = true;              // set global flag for end count period
}  // end of TIMER2_COMPA_vect

void setup () {
  Serial.println("Frequency Counter");
} // end of setup

void loop () {

  // stop Timer 0 interrupts from throwing the count out
  byte oldTCCR0A = TCCR0A;
  byte oldTCCR0B = TCCR0B;
  TCCR0A = 0;    // stop timer 0
  TCCR0B = 0;    
  startCounting (500);  // how many ms to count for

  while (!counterReady) 
     { }  // loop until count over

  // adjust counts by counting interval to give frequency in Hz
  float frq = (timerCounts *  1000.0) / timerPeriod;

  // restart timer 0
  TCCR0A = oldTCCR0A;
  TCCR0B = oldTCCR0B;

  Serial.print ("Frequency: ");
  Serial.println ((unsigned long) frq);
  // let serial stuff finish

}   // end of loop

[EDIT] Amended 25 April 2012 to make more accurate by allowing for overflows in Timer 1 during the interrupt service routine, and by stopping Timer 0.

[EDIT] Amended 4 September 2013 to change _BV() to bit().

Timer ready reckoner

To help work out what prescaler/count you need for setting up timers, consult this table:

All these figures assume a 16 MHz clock, and thus a clock period of 62.5 ns.

The "count" column is the number of counts you use for the Output Compare Register (eg. for OCR2A, OCR2B and so on) when counting up to a "compare" value. The count of 256 can also be used to see how long until Timer 0 and Timer 2 overflow (Timer 1 is a 16-bit timer and overflows after 65536 counts).

Remember that the count registers are zero-relative, so to get 100 counts, you actually put 99 into the register.

So for example, with a prescaler of 64, Timer 0 will overflow every 1.024 ms (which in fact it normally does for use by the millis() function).

To set some other frequency choose a prescaler which appears reasonably close, and then apply this formula:

count = frequency_from_table / target_frequency

For example, if we wanted to flash an LED at 50 Hz using a prescaler of 1024:

count = 15625 / 50 = 312.5

Since 312.5 is greater than 256 we could only do that with Timer 1 which is a 16-bit timer. Note that 312.5 has a decimal place, and therefore the flash would not occur every 50 Hz (as it would be rounded down). You could choose a prescaler of 256 instead:

count = 62500 / 50 = 1250

Now, we have a whole number, so the frequency would be accurate.

Bear in mind, too, that if you are using the hardware to toggle a pin, it needs to get toggled at twice the target frequency (because 100 Hz is counting 100 times a complete cycle, not half a cycle).

Timer hardware input/output

The table below shows the relationship between various pins (with the Arduino pin number in brackets) and the respective timers.

For example, to count an external source with Timer 1, you connect that to Arduino pin D5 (pin 11 on the Atmega328).

Timer 0

input     T0     pin  6  (D4)

output    OC0A   pin 12  (D6)
output    OC0B   pin 11  (D5)

Timer 1

input     T1     pin 11  (D5)

output    OC1A   pin 15  (D9)
output    OC1B   pin 16  (D10)

Timer 2

output    OC2A   pin 17  (D11)
output    OC2B   pin  5  (D3)

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Fri 10 Feb 2012 04:41 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 04 Jul 2015 04:42 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Another frequency counter

The frequency counter below works a bit differently. The one in the earlier post used a timer to count the number of "ticks" in a given interval, so it was literally counting the frequency.

The sketch below turns that around, and uses a timer to work out the interval between two consecutive rising edges on pin D2. This time we use a "rising" interrupt on D2 to notice the leading edge. We also set up a high-precision timer (Timer 1) which is a 16-bit timer.

By using no prescaler, Timer 1 counts 1 for every clock cycle (say, every 62.5 ns at 16 MHz). By multiplying the number of counts between the leading edges by 62.5, and then taking the inverse, we can deduce the frequency.

The advantage of this method is that we get a very quick calculation. For example, at 10 kHz the period is 1/10000, namely 100 µs, so we get our result 100 µs later.

// Frequency timer
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 10th February 2012

// Input: Pin D2

volatile boolean first;
volatile boolean triggered;
volatile unsigned long overflowCount;
volatile unsigned long startTime;
volatile unsigned long finishTime;

// here on rising edge
void isr () 
  unsigned int counter = TCNT1;  // quickly save it
  // wait until we noticed last one
  if (triggered)

  if (first)
    startTime = (overflowCount << 16) + counter;
    first = false;
  finishTime = (overflowCount << 16) + counter;
  triggered = true;
}  // end of isr

// timer overflows (every 65536 counts)
ISR (TIMER1_OVF_vect) 
}  // end of TIMER1_OVF_vect

void prepareForInterrupts ()
  // get ready for next time
  EIFR = bit (INTF0);  // clear flag for interrupt 0
  first = true;
  triggered = false;  // re-arm for next time
  attachInterrupt(0, isr, RISING);     
  }  // end of prepareForInterrupts

void setup () 
  Serial.println("Frequency Counter");
  // reset Timer 1
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = 0;
  // Timer 1 - interrupt on overflow
  TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1);   // enable Timer1 Interrupt
  // zero it
  TCNT1 = 0;  
  overflowCount = 0;  
  // start Timer 1
  TCCR1B =  bit (CS10);  //  no prescaling

  // set up for interrupts
  prepareForInterrupts ();   
  } // end of setup

void loop () 

  if (!triggered)
  unsigned long elapsedTime = finishTime - startTime;
  float freq = F_CPU / float (elapsedTime);  // each tick is 62.5 ns at 16 MHz
  Serial.print ("Took: ");
  Serial.print (elapsedTime);
  Serial.print (" counts. ");

  Serial.print ("Frequency: ");
  Serial.print (freq);
  Serial.println (" Hz. ");

  // so we can read it  
  delay (500);

  prepareForInterrupts ();   
}   // end of loop

Note that due to the time taken to service the interrupts on the data's leading edges, the maximum achievable frequency you can sample is around 100 kHz (which would mean the ISR is taking around 10 µs).

[EDIT] See below (reply #12) for a modified version that uses the Input Capture Unit to find the moment that the time is up, which lets you count up to 200 kHz.

31 August 2013: Changed _BV() to bit().

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #2 on Tue 21 Feb 2012 07:12 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 04 Jul 2015 04:46 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Timer setup

Below are some namespaces for easily setting up timers. They can be a bit tedious to get the various bit combinations right for the various modes.

The sketch has three "namespaces" (Timer0, Timer1, Timer2) which inside have a table of modes, and some enums for the various settings).

So for example, to set Timer 1 into mode 4 (CTC, top = OCR1A) with a prescaler of 1 (ie. no prescaler) and clearing timer output port 1A on compare you would do this:

  Timer1::setMode (4, Timer1::PRESCALE_1, Timer1::CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE);

That is a lot easier than setting up a lot of bit patterns.

 Timer Helpers library.

Devised and written by Nick Gammon.
Date: 21 March 2012
Version: 1.0

Licence: Released for public use.
 // set up Timer 1
 TCNT1 = 0;         // reset counter
 OCR1A =  999;       // compare A register value (1000 * clock speed)
 // Mode 4: CTC, top = OCR1A
 Timer1::setMode (4, Timer1::PRESCALE_1, Timer1::CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE);
 TIFR1 |= bit (OCF1A);    // clear interrupt flag
 TIMSK1 = bit (OCIE1A);   // interrupt on Compare A Match  

#ifndef _TimerHelpers_h
#define _TimerHelpers_h

#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
  #include "Arduino.h"
  #include "WProgram.h"

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
 Timer 0 setup
 --------------------------------------------------------------- */

namespace Timer0 
  const byte Modes [8] [2] = 
  { 0,                         0 },            // 0: Normal, top = 0xFF
  { bit (WGM00),               0 },            // 1: PWM, Phase-correct, top = 0xFF
  {               bit (WGM01), 0 },            // 2: CTC, top = OCR0A
  { bit (WGM00) | bit (WGM01), 0 },            // 3: Fast PWM, top = 0xFF
  { 0,                         bit (WGM02) },  // 4: Reserved
  { bit (WGM00),               bit (WGM02) },  // 5: PWM, Phase-correct, top = OCR0A
  {               bit (WGM01), bit (WGM02) },  // 6: Reserved
  { bit (WGM00) | bit (WGM01), bit (WGM02) },  // 7: Fast PWM, top = OCR0A
  };  // end of Timer0::Modes
  // Activation
  // Note: T0 is pin 6, Arduino port: D4
  // what ports to toggle on timer fire
  enum { NO_PORT = 0, 
    // pin 12, Arduino port: D6
    TOGGLE_A_ON_COMPARE  = bit (COM0A0), 
    CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE   = bit (COM0A1), 
    SET_A_ON_COMPARE     = bit (COM0A0) | bit (COM0A1),
    // pin 11, Arduino port: D5
    TOGGLE_B_ON_COMPARE  = bit (COM0B0), 
    CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE   = bit (COM0B1), 
    SET_B_ON_COMPARE     = bit (COM0B0) | bit (COM0B1),
  // choose a timer mode, set which clock speed, and which port to toggle
  void setMode (const byte mode, const byte clock, const byte port)
  if (mode < 0 || mode > 7)  // sanity check
  // reset existing flags
  TCCR0A = 0;
  TCCR0B = 0;
  TCCR0A |= (Modes [mode] [0]) | port;  
  TCCR0B |= (Modes [mode] [1]) | clock;
  }  // end of Timer0::setMode
}  // end of namespace Timer0 

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
 Timer 1 setup
 --------------------------------------------------------------- */

namespace Timer1 
  const byte Modes [16] [2] = 
  { 0,                         0 },            // 0: Normal, top = 0xFFFF
  { bit (WGM10),               0 },            // 1: PWM, Phase-correct, 8 bit, top = 0xFF
  {               bit (WGM11), 0 },            // 2: PWM, Phase-correct, 9 bit, top = 0x1FF
  { bit (WGM10) | bit (WGM11), 0 },            // 3: PWM, Phase-correct, 10 bit, top = 0x3FF
  { 0,                         bit (WGM12) },  // 4: CTC, top = OCR1A
  { bit (WGM10),               bit (WGM12) },  // 5: Fast PWM, 8 bit, top = 0xFF
  {               bit (WGM11), bit (WGM12) },  // 6: Fast PWM, 9 bit, top = 0x1FF
  { bit (WGM10) | bit (WGM11), bit (WGM12) },  // 7: Fast PWM, 10 bit, top = 0x3FF
  { 0,                                       bit (WGM13) },  // 8: PWM, phase and frequency correct, top = ICR1    
  { bit (WGM10),                             bit (WGM13) },  // 9: PWM, phase and frequency correct, top = OCR1A    
  {               bit (WGM11),               bit (WGM13) },  // 10: PWM, phase correct, top = ICR1A    
  { bit (WGM10) | bit (WGM11),               bit (WGM13) },  // 11: PWM, phase correct, top = OCR1A
  { 0,                         bit (WGM12) | bit (WGM13) },  // 12: CTC, top = ICR1    
  { bit (WGM10),               bit (WGM12) | bit (WGM13) },  // 13: reserved
  {               bit (WGM11), bit (WGM12) | bit (WGM13) },  // 14: Fast PWM, TOP = ICR1
  { bit (WGM10) | bit (WGM11), bit (WGM12) | bit (WGM13) },  // 15: Fast PWM, TOP = OCR1A
  };  // end of Timer1::Modes
  // Activation
  // Note: T1 is pin 11, Arduino port: D5
  // what ports to toggle on timer fire
  enum { NO_PORT = 0, 
    // pin 15, Arduino port: D9
    TOGGLE_A_ON_COMPARE  = bit (COM1A0), 
    CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE   = bit (COM1A1), 
    SET_A_ON_COMPARE     = bit (COM1A0) | bit (COM1A1),
    // pin 16, Arduino port: D10
    TOGGLE_B_ON_COMPARE  = bit (COM1B0), 
    CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE   = bit (COM1B1), 
    SET_B_ON_COMPARE     = bit (COM1B0) | bit (COM1B1),
  // choose a timer mode, set which clock speed, and which port to toggle
  void setMode (const byte mode, const byte clock, const byte port)
  if (mode < 0 || mode > 15)  // sanity check
  // reset existing flags
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = 0;
  TCCR1A |= (Modes [mode] [0]) | port;  
  TCCR1B |= (Modes [mode] [1]) | clock;
  }  // end of Timer1::setMode
}  // end of namespace Timer1 

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
 Timer 2 setup
 --------------------------------------------------------------- */

namespace Timer2 
  const byte Modes [8] [2] = 
  { 0,                         0 },            // 0: Normal, top = 0xFF
  { bit (WGM20),               0 },            // 1: PWM, Phase-correct, top = 0xFF
  {               bit (WGM21), 0 },            // 2: CTC, top = OCR2A
  { bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21), 0 },            // 3: Fast PWM, top = 0xFF
  { 0,                         bit (WGM22) },  // 4: Reserved
  { bit (WGM20),               bit (WGM22) },  // 5: PWM, Phase-correct, top = OCR2A
  {               bit (WGM21), bit (WGM22) },  // 6: Reserved
  { bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21), bit (WGM22) },  // 7: Fast PWM, top = OCR2A
  };  // end of Timer2::Modes
  // Activation
  // what ports to toggle on timer fire
  enum { NO_PORT = 0, 
    // pin 17, Arduino port: D11
    TOGGLE_A_ON_COMPARE  = bit (COM2A0), 
    CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE   = bit (COM2A1), 
    SET_A_ON_COMPARE     = bit (COM2A0) | bit (COM2A1),
    // pin 5, Arduino port: D3
    TOGGLE_B_ON_COMPARE  = bit (COM2B0), 
    CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE   = bit (COM2B1), 
    SET_B_ON_COMPARE     = bit (COM2B0) | bit (COM2B1),
  // choose a timer mode, set which clock speed, and which port to toggle
  void setMode (const byte mode, const byte clock, const byte port)
  if (mode < 0 || mode > 7)  // sanity check
  // reset existing flags
  TCCR2A = 0;
  TCCR2B = 0;
  TCCR2A |= (Modes [mode] [0]) | port;  
  TCCR2B |= (Modes [mode] [1]) | clock;
  }  // end of Timer2::setMode
}  // end of namespace Timer2 


The above can be downloaded from:

Just unzip and put the TimerHelpers folder into your libraries folder.

Example of use:

#include <TimerHelpers.h>

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
   Test sketch
   --------------------------------------------------------------- */
const byte SHUTTER = 9;  // this is OC1A (timer 1 output compare A)
void setup() {
   pinMode (SHUTTER, INPUT); 
   digitalWrite (SHUTTER, HIGH);   

}  // end of setup

   TCCR1A = 0;        // reset timer 1
   TCCR1B = 0;
}  // end of TIMER1_COMPA_vect
void loop() {
  delay (250);   // debugging

  TCCR1A = 0;        // reset timer 1
  TCCR1B = 0;

  digitalWrite (SHUTTER, HIGH);   // ready to activate
  pinMode (SHUTTER, OUTPUT); 

 // set up Timer 1
  TCNT1 = 0;         // reset counter
  OCR1A =  999;       // compare A register value (1000 * clock speed)
  // Mode 4: CTC, top = OCR1A
  Timer1::setMode (4, Timer1::PRESCALE_1, Timer1::CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE);

  TIFR1 |= bit (OCF1A);    // clear interrupt flag
  TIMSK1 = bit (OCIE1A);   // interrupt on Compare A Match  

}  // end of loop

One-shot timer

The example code above demonstrates a one-shot timer. This sets up Timer 1 to activate a camera shutter for 62.5 µs (1000 x the clock speed of 62.5 ns), and then the interrupt service routine cancels the timer, so the shutter is only activated once.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Mon 09 Apr 2012 02:48 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 22 Feb 2016 08:08 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Operation modes of Timer 0

Every time I go to use the Arduino (Atmega328) timers I wonder what the heck is the difference between the various modes. Do I want normal? CTC? PWM? Fast PWM?

Below are the results of investigating what each mode does, for timer 0.

I'm guessing that Timer 2 (which is also an 8-bit timer) works in a similar way.

Timer 0, mode 0 (Normal mode)

This mode just counts to the maximum (0xFF) and wraps around. An interrupt can be set to go off at the wrap-around point.
The counters (OCR0A and OCR0B) control at what point in the counting sequence the pins are toggled.

#include <TimerHelpers.h>

// Timer 0

// input     T0     pin  6  (D4)
// output    OC0A   pin 12  (D6)
// output    OC0B   pin 11  (D5)

const byte timer0Input = 4;
const byte timer0OutputA = 6;
const byte timer0OutputB = 5;
void setup() {
   pinMode (timer0OutputA, OUTPUT); 
   pinMode (timer0OutputB, OUTPUT); 
   TIMSK0 = 0;  // no interrupts
   Timer0::setMode (0, Timer0::PRESCALE_1, Timer0::TOGGLE_A_ON_COMPARE | Timer0::TOGGLE_B_ON_COMPARE);
   OCR0A = 150;
   OCR0B = 200;
}  // end of setup

void loop() {}

The period here was 16 µs which is 256 * 62.5 ns. Since I set the output pin to toggle on compare, it toggled every 16 µs.

Timer 0, mode 1 (PWM phase correct mode, top at 255)

This mode counts up to the maximum and then down again. On the first cycle (counting up) and if you have CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE set, then the output is initially high for OCR0A/255 of the period (in the example: 150/255 which is a duty cycle of 58.82%), and then goes low. For the second cycle (counting down) it stays low, and flips back to high when the count is reached.

#include <TimerHelpers.h>

// Timer 0

// input     T0     pin  6  (D4)
// output    OC0A   pin 12  (D6)
// output    OC0B   pin 11  (D5)

const byte timer0Input = 4;
const byte timer0OutputA = 6;
const byte timer0OutputB = 5;
void setup() {
   pinMode (timer0OutputA, OUTPUT); 
   pinMode (timer0OutputB, OUTPUT); 
   OCR0A = 150;
   OCR0B = 200;
   TIMSK0 = 0;  // no interrupts
   Timer0::setMode (1, Timer0::PRESCALE_1, Timer0::CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE | Timer0::CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE);
}  // end of setup

void loop() {}

The total period here is 32 µs (and the duty cycle of the A output is 58.824%, that is: 150/255).

This could be regarded as "slow PWM" because an entire cycle takes 512 clock cycles (256 up, 256 down). All you get to adjust is the point in that cycle where the output is toggled.

If you change CLEAR to SET then the output is inverted, like this:

Now, the higher the counter, the longer the output is low (because it is set when the counter is reached).

Timer 0, mode 2 (CTC mode)

This mode lets you control the timer frequency. CTC is Clear Timer on Count.

Modes 0 and 1 simply counted up to 256 or 512 respectively, thus giving a fixed frequency output. You could only alter the frequency by changing the timer prescaler.

However in CTC mode the timer resets when it reaches the count. In the example, the period is 151 * 62.5 ns which is 9.438 µs. You multiply by 151 and not 150 because the timer is zero-relative (the first count is zero).

#include <TimerHelpers.h>

// Timer 0

// input     T0     pin  6  (D4)
// output    OC0A   pin 12  (D6)
// output    OC0B   pin 11  (D5)

const byte timer0Input = 4;
const byte timer0OutputA = 6;
const byte timer0OutputB = 5;
void setup() {
   pinMode (timer0OutputA, OUTPUT); 
   pinMode (timer0OutputB, OUTPUT); 
   TIMSK0 = 0;  // no interrupts
   Timer0::setMode (2, Timer0::PRESCALE_1, Timer0::TOGGLE_A_ON_COMPARE | Timer0::TOGGLE_B_ON_COMPARE);
   OCR0A = 150;
   OCR0B = 100;
}  // end of setup

void loop() {}

Notice that setting the B pin to toggle only works if OCR0B is not greater than OCR0A. However as you can see from the screen shot, OC0B toggles at the OC0A rate (because the timer counter stops at OCR0A). However OC0B is offset from OC0A by the value in OCR0B (100 counts).

Also note that you need to set the counter after starting the timer (as shown above) or you get rather strange results like this:

The timer for the above screenshot was started like this:

   OCR0A = 150;
   OCR0B = 200;
   Timer0::setMode (2, Timer0::PRESCALE_1, Timer0::TOGGLE_A_ON_COMPARE | Timer0::TOGGLE_B_ON_COMPARE);

Notice that the period of the timer seems to be just 62.5 ns (the processor clock cycle).

Timer 0, mode 3 (fast PWM mode, top at 255)

This mode counts up to the counter and toggles it when reached. In the example: 151/256 which is a duty cycle of 58.984%.

#include <TimerHelpers.h>

// Timer 0

// input     T0     pin  6  (D4)
// output    OC0A   pin 12  (D6)
// output    OC0B   pin 11  (D5)

const byte timer0Input = 4;
const byte timer0OutputA = 6;
const byte timer0OutputB = 5;
void setup() {
   pinMode (timer0OutputA, OUTPUT); 
   pinMode (timer0OutputB, OUTPUT); 
   TIMSK0 = 0;  // no interrupts
   Timer0::setMode (3, Timer0::PRESCALE_1, Timer0::CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE | Timer0::CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE);
   OCR0A = 150;
   OCR0B = 200;
}  // end of setup

void loop() {}

Notice that compared to the phase correct mode the frequency is doubled (it only counts up, not down again). Thus for a prescaler of 1, the period is going to be 256 * 62.5 ns, namely 16 µs. Also note how channel A and B are lined up, compared to how the pulses are centered in phase-correct mode.

Timer 0, mode 5 (PWM phase correct mode, top at OCR0A)

This mode counts up to the value in OCR0A and then down again. On the first cycle (counting up) and if you have CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE set, then the output is initially high for OCR0B/OCR0A of the period (in the example: 150/255 which is a duty cycle of 75%), and then goes low. For the second cycle (counting down) it stays low, and flips back to high when the count is reached.

#include <TimerHelpers.h>

// Timer 0

// input     T0     pin  6  (D4)
// output    OC0A   pin 12  (D6)
// output    OC0B   pin 11  (D5)

const byte timer0Input = 4;
const byte timer0OutputA = 6;
const byte timer0OutputB = 5;
void setup() {
   pinMode (timer0OutputA, OUTPUT); 
   pinMode (timer0OutputB, OUTPUT); 
   TIMSK0 = 0;  // no interrupts
   Timer0::setMode (5, Timer0::PRESCALE_1, Timer0::CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE | Timer0::CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE);
   OCR0A = 200;    // number of counts for a cycle
   OCR0B = 150;    // duty cycle within OCR0A
}  // end of setup

void loop() {}

Note that OCR0A sets the frequency of the timer - since it counts up to that figure and back again. So you can use this to make a timer with a frequency other than simply 256 times the clock period. Of course the lower OCR0A is, the less resolution you have for the PWM duty cycle.

The overall frequency in this example was 40 kHz (period of 25 µs) because that is 200 * 62.5 ns * 2 (you multiply by two because it counts up and back down again).

Timer 0, mode 7 (fast PWM mode, top at OCR0A)

This mode counts up to OCR0B and toggles it when reached. It then counts (the rest of the way) up to OCR0A. This is the fast PWM version of mode 5.

#include <TimerHelpers.h>

// Timer 0

// input     T0     pin  6  (D4)
// output    OC0A   pin 12  (D6)
// output    OC0B   pin 11  (D5)

const byte timer0Input = 4;
const byte timer0OutputA = 6;
const byte timer0OutputB = 5;
void setup() {
   pinMode (timer0OutputA, OUTPUT); 
   pinMode (timer0OutputB, OUTPUT); 
   TIMSK0 = 0;  // no interrupts
   Timer0::setMode (7, Timer0::PRESCALE_1, Timer0::CLEAR_A_ON_COMPARE | Timer0::CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE);
   OCR0A = 200;
   OCR0B = 150;
}  // end of setup

void loop() {}

Because it counts up to 200 the period is 200 * 62.5 ns (12.5 µs) and the duty cycle is now 75.5% (151/200).

Timer helpers library

The TimerHelpers.h file can be downloaded from:

More information

Some more useful information about PWM here, including some nice graphics that show how the phase-correct PWM works:

What is PWM?

Also this write-up by Ken Shirriff:

Secrets of Arduino PWM

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Willy   (4 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Wed 23 May 2012 10:07 AM (UTC)
Hello, Nick! Thanks for your job! I have tried your frequency counter sketch for Atmega328. I have modified slightly the code for my purposes for using LCD display and pre-scaler 1/10 with 74HC4017. It works fine up to 70MHz, however on high frequency's LCD shows 69.999 instead 70.000 MHz, but I don't need hight resolution, only 1KHz.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #5 on Wed 23 May 2012 12:01 PM (UTC)
I meant to lock this thread as it is a tutorial. Would you mind posting it again in a new thread?

Plus, I doubt you got 70 MHz, after all the processor is only 16 MHz.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Mon 24 Sep 2012 04:45 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 04 Jul 2015 04:45 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Modulating 38 kHz signal

This question seems to come up a few times on the Arduino forum: How to modulate a 38 kHz signal?

The code below uses Timer 1 to generate a 38 kHz pulse using fast PWM mode (mode 15). It then modulates the duty cycle from 0% to 100% based on a figure read from a potentiometer connected to A0.

// Example of modulating a 38 kHz frequency duty cycle by reading a potentiometer
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 24 September 2012

const byte POTENTIOMETER = A0;
const byte LED = 10;  // Timer 1 "B" output: OC1B

// Clock frequency divided by 38 kHz frequency desired
const long timer1_OCR1A_Setting = F_CPU / 38000L;

void setup() 
  pinMode (LED, OUTPUT);

  // set up Timer 1 - gives us 38.005 kHz 
  // Fast PWM top at OCR1A
  TCCR1A = bit (WGM10) | bit (WGM11) | bit (COM1B1); // fast PWM, clear OC1B on compare
  TCCR1B = bit (WGM12) | bit (WGM13) | bit (CS10);   // fast PWM, no prescaler
  OCR1A =  timer1_OCR1A_Setting - 1;                 // zero relative  
  }  // end of setup

void loop()
  // alter Timer 1 duty cycle in accordance with pot reading
  OCR1B = (((long) (analogRead (POTENTIOMETER) + 1) * timer1_OCR1A_Setting) / 1024L) - 1;
  // do other stuff here

Modulating a 38 kHz carrier with a 500 Hz signal

Similar to the above, the sketch below generates a 38 kHz signal and then turns that carrier on and off with a 500 Hz signal (generated by Timer 2) with a variable duty cycle controlled by a potentiometer. The 500 Hz duty cycle is output on pin 3 which causes a pin change interrupt which is used to turn pin 9 on and off.

// Example of modulating a 38 kHz carrier frequency at 500 Hz with a variable duty cycle
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 24 September 2012

const byte POTENTIOMETER = A0;
const byte LED = 9;  // Timer 1 "A" output: OC1A

// Clock frequency divided by 500 Hz frequency desired (allowing for prescaler of 128)
const long timer2_OCR2A_Setting = F_CPU / 500L / 128L;

ISR (PCINT2_vect)
   // if pin 3 now high, turn on toggling of OC1A on compare
   if (PIND & bit (3))
     TCCR1A |= bit (COM1A0) ;  // Toggle OC1A on Compare Match
     TCCR1A &= ~bit (COM1A0) ;  // DO NOT Toggle OC1A on Compare Match
     digitalWrite (LED, LOW);  // ensure off
     }  // end of if
   }  // end of PCINT2_vect

void setup() {
  pinMode (LED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (3, OUTPUT);  // OC2B
  // set up Timer 1 - gives us 38.095 kHz
  TCCR1A = 0; 
  TCCR1B = bit(WGM12) | bit (CS10);   // CTC, No prescaler
  OCR1A =  (F_CPU / 38000L / 2) - 1;  // zero relative
  // Timer 2 - gives us our 1 ms counting interval
  // 16 MHz clock (62.5 ns per tick) - prescaled by 128
  //  counter increments every 8 µs. 
  // So we count 250 of them, giving exactly 2000 µs (2 ms period = 500 Hz frequency)
  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1);   // Fast PWM mode
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS20) | bit (CS22) ;  // prescaler of 128
  OCR2A  = timer2_OCR2A_Setting - 1;                // count up to 250  (zero relative!!!!)
  // pin change interrupt
  PCMSK2 |= bit (PCINT19);  // want pin 3
  PCIFR  |= bit (PCIF2);    // clear any outstanding interrupts
  PCICR  |= bit (PCIE2);    // enable pin change interrupts for D0 to D7
}  // end of setup

void loop()
  // alter Timer 2 duty cycle in accordance with pot reading
  OCR2B = (((long) (analogRead (POTENTIOMETER) + 1) * timer2_OCR2A_Setting) / 1024L) - 1;

  // other stuff here
  }  // end of loop

Simple timer output

The code below outputs on pin 3 a square wave using fast PWM mode of the desired frequency (constant "frequency").

This particular case uses a prescaler of 8 (hence the divide by 8 in the calculation of OCR2A).

You could change the duty cycle in the calculation of OCR2B (divide by 3, for example).

const byte LED = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const long frequency = 50000L;  // Hz

void setup() 
  pinMode (LED, OUTPUT);

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2B on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS21);         // fast PWM, prescaler of 8
  OCR2A =  ((F_CPU / 8) / frequency) - 1;    // zero relative  
  OCR2B = ((OCR2A + 1) / 2) - 1;             // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop()
  // do other stuff here

With a 16 MHz clock, and with the prescaler of 8 you can generate frequencies in the range 7813 Hz to 1 MHz.

With no prescaler the sketch looks like this:

const byte LED = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const long frequency = 800000L;

void setup() 
  pinMode (LED, OUTPUT);

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2A on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS20);         // fast PWM, no prescaler
  OCR2A =  (F_CPU / frequency) - 1;          // zero relative  
  OCR2B = ((OCR2A + 1) / 2) - 1;             // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop()
  // do other stuff here

With a 16 MHz clock, this can generate frequencies in the range 62.5 kHz to 4 MHz (8 MHz ought to work but has artifacts on the measured output).

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #7 on Sat 24 Nov 2012 01:38 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 04 Jul 2015 04:49 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Frequencies and periods for various counter values

Below is a table of values for OCR2A (n) which shows the period and frequency you get for each possible value and prescaler, assuming a 16 MHz clock rate. The same figures apply to Timers 0 and 1 with the same prescalers. Note that the value in the first column is already zero-relative. This is what you plug into OCR2A to get this frequency. Thus the value of 255, for example, actually counts to 256.

The value in OCR2B controls the duty cycle. It must be less than the counter number. For example, if you count to 3 (which is really a count of 4 because the 3 is zero-relative) then for a 50% duty cycle you would want to put 1 (really a count of 2) into OCR2B.

  n  -- Prescale 1   --  -- Prescale 8   --  -- Prescale 64  --  -- Prescale 256 --  -- Prescale 1024--
     Freq (Hz) Per (µs)  Freq (Hz) Per (µs)  Freq (Hz) Per (µs)  Freq (Hz) Per (µs)  Freq (Hz) Per (µs)
  1: 8,000,000*   0.125  1,000,000    1.000    125,000    8.000     31,250   32.000      7,813  128.000  
  2: 5,333,333    0.188    666,667    1.500     83,333   12.000     20,833   48.000      5,208  192.000  
  3: 4,000,000    0.250    500,000    2.000     62,500   16.000     15,625   64.000      3,906  256.000  
  4: 3,200,000    0.313    400,000    2.500     50,000   20.000     12,500   80.000      3,125  320.000  
  5: 2,666,667    0.375    333,333    3.000     41,667   24.000     10,417   96.000      2,604  384.000  
  6: 2,285,714    0.438    285,714    3.500     35,714   28.000      8,929  112.000      2,232  448.000  
  7: 2,000,000    0.500    250,000    4.000     31,250   32.000      7,813  128.000      1,953  512.000  
  8: 1,777,778    0.563    222,222    4.500     27,778   36.000      6,944  144.000      1,736  576.000  
  9: 1,600,000    0.625    200,000    5.000     25,000   40.000      6,250  160.000      1,563  640.000  
 10: 1,454,545    0.688    181,818    5.500     22,727   44.000      5,682  176.000      1,420  704.000  
 11: 1,333,333    0.750    166,667    6.000     20,833   48.000      5,208  192.000      1,302  768.000  
 12: 1,230,769    0.813    153,846    6.500     19,231   52.000      4,808  208.000      1,202  832.000  
 13: 1,142,857    0.875    142,857    7.000     17,857   56.000      4,464  224.000      1,116  896.000  
 14: 1,066,667    0.937    133,333    7.500     16,667   60.000      4,167  240.000      1,042  960.000  
 15: 1,000,000    1.000    125,000    8.000     15,625   64.000      3,906  256.000        977 1024.000  
 16:   941,176    1.063    117,647    8.500     14,706   68.000      3,676  272.000        919 1088.000  
 17:   888,889    1.125    111,111    9.000     13,889   72.000      3,472  288.000        868 1152.000  
 18:   842,105    1.187    105,263    9.500     13,158   76.000      3,289  304.000        822 1216.000  
 19:   800,000    1.250    100,000   10.000     12,500   80.000      3,125  320.000        781 1280.000  
 20:   761,905    1.313     95,238   10.500     11,905   84.000      2,976  336.000        744 1344.000  
 21:   727,273    1.375     90,909   11.000     11,364   88.000      2,841  352.000        710 1408.000  
 22:   695,652    1.438     86,957   11.500     10,870   92.000      2,717  368.000        679 1472.000  
 23:   666,667    1.500     83,333   12.000     10,417   96.000      2,604  384.000        651 1536.000  
 24:   640,000    1.562     80,000   12.500     10,000  100.000      2,500  400.000        625 1600.000  
 25:   615,385    1.625     76,923   13.000      9,615  104.000      2,404  416.000        601 1664.000  
 26:   592,593    1.688     74,074   13.500      9,259  108.000      2,315  432.000        579 1728.000  
 27:   571,429    1.750     71,429   14.000      8,929  112.000      2,232  448.000        558 1792.000  
 28:   551,724    1.813     68,966   14.500      8,621  116.000      2,155  464.000        539 1856.000  
 29:   533,333    1.875     66,667   15.000      8,333  120.000      2,083  480.000        521 1920.000  
 30:   516,129    1.938     64,516   15.500      8,065  124.000      2,016  496.000        504 1984.000  
 31:   500,000    2.000     62,500   16.000      7,813  128.000      1,953  512.000        488 2048.000  
 32:   484,848    2.062     60,606   16.500      7,576  132.000      1,894  528.000        473 2112.000  
 33:   470,588    2.125     58,824   17.000      7,353  136.000      1,838  544.000        460 2176.000  
 34:   457,143    2.188     57,143   17.500      7,143  140.000      1,786  560.000        446 2240.000  
 35:   444,444    2.250     55,556   18.000      6,944  144.000      1,736  576.000        434 2304.000  
 36:   432,432    2.313     54,054   18.500      6,757  148.000      1,689  592.000        422 2368.000  
 37:   421,053    2.375     52,632   19.000      6,579  152.000      1,645  608.000        411 2432.000  
 38:   410,256    2.438     51,282   19.500      6,410  156.000      1,603  624.000        401 2496.000  
 39:   400,000    2.500     50,000   20.000      6,250  160.000      1,563  640.000        391 2560.000  
 40:   390,244    2.563     48,780   20.500      6,098  164.000      1,524  656.000        381 2624.000  
 41:   380,952    2.625     47,619   21.000      5,952  168.000      1,488  672.000        372 2688.000  
 42:   372,093    2.687     46,512   21.500      5,814  172.000      1,453  688.000        363 2752.000  
 43:   363,636    2.750     45,455   22.000      5,682  176.000      1,420  704.000        355 2816.000  
 44:   355,556    2.812     44,444   22.500      5,556  180.000      1,389  720.000        347 2880.000  
 45:   347,826    2.875     43,478   23.000      5,435  184.000      1,359  736.000        340 2944.000  
 46:   340,426    2.938     42,553   23.500      5,319  188.000      1,330  752.000        332 3008.000  
 47:   333,333    3.000     41,667   24.000      5,208  192.000      1,302  768.000        326 3072.000  
 48:   326,531    3.063     40,816   24.500      5,102  196.000      1,276  784.000        319 3136.000  
 49:   320,000    3.125     40,000   25.000      5,000  200.000      1,250  800.000        313 3200.000  
 50:   313,725    3.188     39,216   25.500      4,902  204.000      1,225  816.000        306 3264.000  
 51:   307,692    3.250     38,462   26.000      4,808  208.000      1,202  832.000        300 3328.000  
 52:   301,887    3.313     37,736   26.500      4,717  212.000      1,179  848.000        295 3392.000  
 53:   296,296    3.375     37,037   27.000      4,630  216.000      1,157  864.000        289 3456.000  
 54:   290,909    3.437     36,364   27.500      4,545  220.000      1,136  880.000        284 3520.000  
 55:   285,714    3.500     35,714   28.000      4,464  224.000      1,116  896.000        279 3584.000  
 56:   280,702    3.562     35,088   28.500      4,386  228.000      1,096  912.000        274 3648.000  
 57:   275,862    3.625     34,483   29.000      4,310  232.000      1,078  928.000        269 3712.000  
 58:   271,186    3.688     33,898   29.500      4,237  236.000      1,059  944.000        265 3776.000  
 59:   266,667    3.750     33,333   30.000      4,167  240.000      1,042  960.000        260 3840.000  
 60:   262,295    3.813     32,787   30.500      4,098  244.000      1,025  976.000        256 3904.000  
 61:   258,065    3.875     32,258   31.000      4,032  248.000      1,008  992.000        252 3968.000  
 62:   253,968    3.938     31,746   31.500      3,968  252.000        992 1008.000        248 4032.000  
 63:   250,000    4.000     31,250   32.000      3,906  256.000        977 1024.000        244 4096.000  
 64:   246,154    4.063     30,769   32.500      3,846  260.000        962 1040.000        240 4160.000  
 65:   242,424    4.125     30,303   33.000      3,788  264.000        947 1056.000        237 4224.000  
 66:   238,806    4.188     29,851   33.500      3,731  268.000        933 1072.000        233 4288.000  
 67:   235,294    4.250     29,412   34.000      3,676  272.000        919 1088.000        230 4352.000  
 68:   231,884    4.313     28,986   34.500      3,623  276.000        906 1104.000        226 4416.000  
 69:   228,571    4.375     28,571   35.000      3,571  280.000        893 1120.000        223 4480.000  
 70:   225,352    4.437     28,169   35.500      3,521  284.000        880 1136.000        220 4544.000  
 71:   222,222    4.500     27,778   36.000      3,472  288.000        868 1152.000        217 4608.000  
 72:   219,178    4.563     27,397   36.500      3,425  292.000        856 1168.000        214 4672.000  
 73:   216,216    4.625     27,027   37.000      3,378  296.000        845 1184.000        211 4736.000  
 74:   213,333    4.688     26,667   37.500      3,333  300.000        833 1200.000        208 4800.000  
 75:   210,526    4.750     26,316   38.000      3,289  304.000        822 1216.000        206 4864.000  
 76:   207,792    4.813     25,974   38.500      3,247  308.000        812 1232.000        203 4928.000  
 77:   205,128    4.875     25,641   39.000      3,205  312.000        801 1248.000        200 4992.000  
 78:   202,532    4.938     25,316   39.500      3,165  316.000        791 1264.000        198 5056.000  
 79:   200,000    5.000     25,000   40.000      3,125  320.000        781 1280.000        195 5120.000  
 80:   197,531    5.062     24,691   40.500      3,086  324.000        772 1296.000        193 5184.000  
 81:   195,122    5.125     24,390   41.000      3,049  328.000        762 1312.000        191 5248.000  
 82:   192,771    5.188     24,096   41.500      3,012  332.000        753 1328.000        188 5312.000  
 83:   190,476    5.250     23,810   42.000      2,976  336.000        744 1344.000        186 5376.000  
 84:   188,235    5.312     23,529   42.500      2,941  340.000        735 1360.000        184 5440.000  
 85:   186,047    5.375     23,256   43.000      2,907  344.000        727 1376.000        182 5504.000  
 86:   183,908    5.438     22,989   43.500      2,874  348.000        718 1392.000        180 5568.000  
 87:   181,818    5.500     22,727   44.000      2,841  352.000        710 1408.000        178 5632.000  
 88:   179,775    5.563     22,472   44.500      2,809  356.000        702 1424.000        176 5696.000  
 89:   177,778    5.625     22,222   45.000      2,778  360.000        694 1440.000        174 5760.000  
 90:   175,824    5.687     21,978   45.500      2,747  364.000        687 1456.000        172 5824.000  
 91:   173,913    5.750     21,739   46.000      2,717  368.000        679 1472.000        170 5888.000  
 92:   172,043    5.813     21,505   46.500      2,688  372.000        672 1488.000        168 5952.000  
 93:   170,213    5.875     21,277   47.000      2,660  376.000        665 1504.000        166 6016.000  
 94:   168,421    5.937     21,053   47.500      2,632  380.000        658 1520.000        164 6080.000  
 95:   166,667    6.000     20,833   48.000      2,604  384.000        651 1536.000        163 6144.000  
 96:   164,948    6.063     20,619   48.500      2,577  388.000        644 1552.000        161 6208.000  
 97:   163,265    6.125     20,408   49.000      2,551  392.000        638 1568.000        159 6272.000  
 98:   161,616    6.188     20,202   49.500      2,525  396.000        631 1584.000        158 6336.000  
 99:   160,000    6.250     20,000   50.000      2,500  400.000        625 1600.000        156 6400.000  
100:   158,416    6.313     19,802   50.500      2,475  404.000        619 1616.000        155 6464.000  
101:   156,863    6.375     19,608   51.000      2,451  408.000        613 1632.000        153 6528.000  
102:   155,340    6.438     19,417   51.500      2,427  412.000        607 1648.000        152 6592.000  
103:   153,846    6.500     19,231   52.000      2,404  416.000        601 1664.000        150 6656.000  
104:   152,381    6.562     19,048   52.500      2,381  420.000        595 1680.000        149 6720.000  
105:   150,943    6.625     18,868   53.000      2,358  424.000        590 1696.000        147 6784.000  
106:   149,533    6.688     18,692   53.500      2,336  428.000        584 1712.000        146 6848.000  
107:   148,148    6.750     18,519   54.000      2,315  432.000        579 1728.000        145 6912.000  
108:   146,789    6.813     18,349   54.500      2,294  436.000        573 1744.000        143 6976.000  
109:   145,455    6.875     18,182   55.000      2,273  440.000        568 1760.000        142 7040.000  
110:   144,144    6.938     18,018   55.500      2,252  444.000        563 1776.000        141 7104.000  
111:   142,857    7.000     17,857   56.000      2,232  448.000        558 1792.000        140 7168.000  
112:   141,593    7.063     17,699   56.500      2,212  452.000        553 1808.000        138 7232.000  
113:   140,351    7.125     17,544   57.000      2,193  456.000        548 1824.000        137 7296.000  
114:   139,130    7.187     17,391   57.500      2,174  460.000        543 1840.000        136 7360.000  
115:   137,931    7.250     17,241   58.000      2,155  464.000        539 1856.000        135 7424.000  
116:   136,752    7.313     17,094   58.500      2,137  468.000        534 1872.000        134 7488.000  
117:   135,593    7.375     16,949   59.000      2,119  472.000        530 1888.000        132 7552.000  
118:   134,454    7.437     16,807   59.500      2,101  476.000        525 1904.000        131 7616.000  
119:   133,333    7.500     16,667   60.000      2,083  480.000        521 1920.000        130 7680.000  
120:   132,231    7.563     16,529   60.500      2,066  484.000        517 1936.000        129 7744.000  
121:   131,148    7.625     16,393   61.000      2,049  488.000        512 1952.000        128 7808.000  
122:   130,081    7.687     16,260   61.500      2,033  492.000        508 1968.000        127 7872.000  
123:   129,032    7.750     16,129   62.000      2,016  496.000        504 1984.000        126 7936.000  
124:   128,000    7.813     16,000   62.500      2,000  500.000        500 2000.000        125 8000.000  
125:   126,984    7.875     15,873   63.000      1,984  504.000        496 2016.000        124 8064.000  
126:   125,984    7.938     15,748   63.500      1,969  508.000        492 2032.000        123 8128.000  
127:   125,000    8.000     15,625   64.000      1,953  512.000        488 2048.000        122 8192.000  
128:   124,031    8.063     15,504   64.500      1,938  516.000        484 2064.000        121 8256.000  
129:   123,077    8.125     15,385   65.000      1,923  520.000        481 2080.000        120 8320.000  
130:   122,137    8.188     15,267   65.500      1,908  524.000        477 2096.000        119 8384.000  
131:   121,212    8.250     15,152   66.000      1,894  528.000        473 2112.000        118 8448.000  
132:   120,301    8.313     15,038   66.500      1,880  532.000        470 2128.000        117 8512.000  
133:   119,403    8.375     14,925   67.000      1,866  536.000        466 2144.000        117 8576.000  
134:   118,519    8.438     14,815   67.500      1,852  540.000        463 2160.000        116 8640.000  
135:   117,647    8.500     14,706   68.000      1,838  544.000        460 2176.000        115 8704.000  
136:   116,788    8.563     14,599   68.500      1,825  548.000        456 2192.000        114 8768.000  
137:   115,942    8.625     14,493   69.000      1,812  552.000        453 2208.000        113 8832.000  
138:   115,108    8.688     14,388   69.500      1,799  556.000        450 2224.000        112 8896.000  
139:   114,286    8.750     14,286   70.000      1,786  560.000        446 2240.000        112 8960.000  
140:   113,475    8.812     14,184   70.500      1,773  564.000        443 2256.000        111 9024.000  
141:   112,676    8.875     14,085   71.000      1,761  568.000        440 2272.000        110 9088.000  
142:   111,888    8.938     13,986   71.500      1,748  572.000        437 2288.000        109 9152.000  
143:   111,111    9.000     13,889   72.000      1,736  576.000        434 2304.000        109 9216.000  
144:   110,345    9.063     13,793   72.500      1,724  580.000        431 2320.000        108 9280.000  
145:   109,589    9.125     13,699   73.000      1,712  584.000        428 2336.000        107 9344.000  
146:   108,844    9.188     13,605   73.500      1,701  588.000        425 2352.000        106 9408.000  
147:   108,108    9.250     13,514   74.000      1,689  592.000        422 2368.000        106 9472.000  
148:   107,383    9.313     13,423   74.500      1,678  596.000        419 2384.000        105 9536.000  
149:   106,667    9.375     13,333   75.000      1,667  600.000        417 2400.000        104 9600.000  
150:   105,960    9.437     13,245   75.500      1,656  604.000        414 2416.000        103 9664.000  
151:   105,263    9.500     13,158   76.000      1,645  608.000        411 2432.000        103 9728.000  
152:   104,575    9.563     13,072   76.500      1,634  612.000        408 2448.000        102 9792.000  
153:   103,896    9.625     12,987   77.000      1,623  616.000        406 2464.000        101 9856.000  
154:   103,226    9.688     12,903   77.500      1,613  620.000        403 2480.000        101 9920.000  
155:   102,564    9.750     12,821   78.000      1,603  624.000        401 2496.000        100 9984.000  
156:   101,911    9.813     12,739   78.500      1,592  628.000        398 2512.000        100 10048.000  
157:   101,266    9.875     12,658   79.000      1,582  632.000        396 2528.000         99 10112.000  
158:   100,629    9.938     12,579   79.500      1,572  636.000        393 2544.000         98 10176.000  
159:   100,000   10.000     12,500   80.000      1,563  640.000        391 2560.000         98 10240.000  
160:    99,379   10.062     12,422   80.500      1,553  644.000        388 2576.000         97 10304.000  
161:    98,765   10.125     12,346   81.000      1,543  648.000        386 2592.000         96 10368.000  
162:    98,160   10.188     12,270   81.500      1,534  652.000        383 2608.000         96 10432.000  
163:    97,561   10.250     12,195   82.000      1,524  656.000        381 2624.000         95 10496.000  
164:    96,970   10.313     12,121   82.500      1,515  660.000        379 2640.000         95 10560.000  
165:    96,386   10.375     12,048   83.000      1,506  664.000        377 2656.000         94 10624.000  
166:    95,808   10.438     11,976   83.500      1,497  668.000        374 2672.000         94 10688.000  
167:    95,238   10.500     11,905   84.000      1,488  672.000        372 2688.000         93 10752.000  
168:    94,675   10.563     11,834   84.500      1,479  676.000        370 2704.000         92 10816.000  
169:    94,118   10.625     11,765   85.000      1,471  680.000        368 2720.000         92 10880.000  
170:    93,567   10.687     11,696   85.500      1,462  684.000        365 2736.000         91 10944.000  
171:    93,023   10.750     11,628   86.000      1,453  688.000        363 2752.000         91 11008.000  
172:    92,486   10.813     11,561   86.500      1,445  692.000        361 2768.000         90 11072.000  
173:    91,954   10.875     11,494   87.000      1,437  696.000        359 2784.000         90 11136.000  
174:    91,429   10.938     11,429   87.500      1,429  700.000        357 2800.000         89 11200.000  
175:    90,909   11.000     11,364   88.000      1,420  704.000        355 2816.000         89 11264.000  
176:    90,395   11.063     11,299   88.500      1,412  708.000        353 2832.000         88 11328.000  
177:    89,888   11.125     11,236   89.000      1,404  712.000        351 2848.000         88 11392.000  
178:    89,385   11.188     11,173   89.500      1,397  716.000        349 2864.000         87 11456.000  
179:    88,889   11.250     11,111   90.000      1,389  720.000        347 2880.000         87 11520.000  
180:    88,398   11.312     11,050   90.500      1,381  724.000        345 2896.000         86 11584.000  
181:    87,912   11.375     10,989   91.000      1,374  728.000        343 2912.000         86 11648.000  
182:    87,432   11.438     10,929   91.500      1,366  732.000        342 2928.000         85 11712.000  
183:    86,957   11.500     10,870   92.000      1,359  736.000        340 2944.000         85 11776.000  
184:    86,486   11.563     10,811   92.500      1,351  740.000        338 2960.000         84 11840.000  
185:    86,022   11.625     10,753   93.000      1,344  744.000        336 2976.000         84 11904.000  
186:    85,561   11.688     10,695   93.500      1,337  748.000        334 2992.000         84 11968.000  
187:    85,106   11.750     10,638   94.000      1,330  752.000        332 3008.000         83 12032.000  
188:    84,656   11.813     10,582   94.500      1,323  756.000        331 3024.000         83 12096.000  
189:    84,211   11.875     10,526   95.000      1,316  760.000        329 3040.000         82 12160.000  
190:    83,770   11.937     10,471   95.500      1,309  764.000        327 3056.000         82 12224.000  
191:    83,333   12.000     10,417   96.000      1,302  768.000        326 3072.000         81 12288.000  
192:    82,902   12.063     10,363   96.500      1,295  772.000        324 3088.000         81 12352.000  
193:    82,474   12.125     10,309   97.000      1,289  776.000        322 3104.000         81 12416.000  
194:    82,051   12.188     10,256   97.500      1,282  780.000        321 3120.000         80 12480.000  
195:    81,633   12.250     10,204   98.000      1,276  784.000        319 3136.000         80 12544.000  
196:    81,218   12.313     10,152   98.500      1,269  788.000        317 3152.000         79 12608.000  
197:    80,808   12.375     10,101   99.000      1,263  792.000        316 3168.000         79 12672.000  
198:    80,402   12.437     10,050   99.500      1,256  796.000        314 3184.000         79 12736.000  
199:    80,000   12.500     10,000  100.000      1,250  800.000        313 3200.000         78 12800.000  
200:    79,602   12.562      9,950  100.500      1,244  804.000        311 3216.000         78 12864.000  
201:    79,208   12.625      9,901  101.000      1,238  808.000        309 3232.000         77 12928.000  
202:    78,818   12.688      9,852  101.500      1,232  812.000        308 3248.000         77 12992.000  
203:    78,431   12.750      9,804  102.000      1,225  816.000        306 3264.000         77 13056.000  
204:    78,049   12.813      9,756  102.500      1,220  820.000        305 3280.000         76 13120.000  
205:    77,670   12.875      9,709  103.000      1,214  824.000        303 3296.000         76 13184.000  
206:    77,295   12.938      9,662  103.500      1,208  828.000        302 3312.000         75 13248.000  
207:    76,923   13.000      9,615  104.000      1,202  832.000        300 3328.000         75 13312.000  
208:    76,555   13.062      9,569  104.500      1,196  836.000        299 3344.000         75 13376.000  
209:    76,190   13.125      9,524  105.000      1,190  840.000        298 3360.000         74 13440.000  
210:    75,829   13.187      9,479  105.500      1,185  844.000        296 3376.000         74 13504.000  
211:    75,472   13.250      9,434  106.000      1,179  848.000        295 3392.000         74 13568.000  
212:    75,117   13.313      9,390  106.500      1,174  852.000        293 3408.000         73 13632.000  
213:    74,766   13.375      9,346  107.000      1,168  856.000        292 3424.000         73 13696.000  
214:    74,419   13.438      9,302  107.500      1,163  860.000        291 3440.000         73 13760.000  
215:    74,074   13.500      9,259  108.000      1,157  864.000        289 3456.000         72 13824.000  
216:    73,733   13.563      9,217  108.500      1,152  868.000        288 3472.000         72 13888.000  
217:    73,394   13.625      9,174  109.000      1,147  872.000        287 3488.000         72 13952.000  
218:    73,059   13.687      9,132  109.500      1,142  876.000        285 3504.000         71 14016.000  
219:    72,727   13.750      9,091  110.000      1,136  880.000        284 3520.000         71 14080.000  
220:    72,398   13.812      9,050  110.500      1,131  884.000        283 3536.000         71 14144.000  
221:    72,072   13.875      9,009  111.000      1,126  888.000        282 3552.000         70 14208.000  
222:    71,749   13.938      8,969  111.500      1,121  892.000        280 3568.000         70 14272.000  
223:    71,429   14.000      8,929  112.000      1,116  896.000        279 3584.000         70 14336.000  
224:    71,111   14.063      8,889  112.500      1,111  900.000        278 3600.000         69 14400.000  
225:    70,796   14.125      8,850  113.000      1,106  904.000        277 3616.000         69 14464.000  
226:    70,485   14.188      8,811  113.500      1,101  908.000        275 3632.000         69 14528.000  
227:    70,175   14.250      8,772  114.000      1,096  912.000        274 3648.000         69 14592.000  
228:    69,869   14.312      8,734  114.500      1,092  916.000        273 3664.000         68 14656.000  
229:    69,565   14.375      8,696  115.000      1,087  920.000        272 3680.000         68 14720.000  
230:    69,264   14.437      8,658  115.500      1,082  924.000        271 3696.000         68 14784.000  
231:    68,966   14.500      8,621  116.000      1,078  928.000        269 3712.000         67 14848.000  
232:    68,670   14.563      8,584  116.500      1,073  932.000        268 3728.000         67 14912.000  
233:    68,376   14.625      8,547  117.000      1,068  936.000        267 3744.000         67 14976.000  
234:    68,085   14.688      8,511  117.500      1,064  940.000        266 3760.000         66 15040.000  
235:    67,797   14.750      8,475  118.000      1,059  944.000        265 3776.000         66 15104.000  
236:    67,511   14.813      8,439  118.500      1,055  948.000        264 3792.000         66 15168.000  
237:    67,227   14.875      8,403  119.000      1,050  952.000        263 3808.000         66 15232.000  
238:    66,946   14.937      8,368  119.500      1,046  956.000        262 3824.000         65 15296.000  
239:    66,667   15.000      8,333  120.000      1,042  960.000        260 3840.000         65 15360.000  
240:    66,390   15.062      8,299  120.500      1,037  964.000        259 3856.000         65 15424.000  
241:    66,116   15.125      8,264  121.000      1,033  968.000        258 3872.000         65 15488.000  
242:    65,844   15.188      8,230  121.500      1,029  972.000        257 3888.000         64 15552.000  
243:    65,574   15.250      8,197  122.000      1,025  976.000        256 3904.000         64 15616.000  
244:    65,306   15.313      8,163  122.500      1,020  980.000        255 3920.000         64 15680.000  
245:    65,041   15.375      8,130  123.000      1,016  984.000        254 3936.000         64 15744.000  
246:    64,777   15.438      8,097  123.500      1,012  988.000        253 3952.000         63 15808.000  
247:    64,516   15.500      8,065  124.000      1,008  992.000        252 3968.000         63 15872.000  
248:    64,257   15.562      8,032  124.500      1,004  996.000        251 3984.000         63 15936.000  
249:    64,000   15.625      8,000  125.000      1,000 1000.000        250 4000.000         63 16000.000  
250:    63,745   15.687      7,968  125.500        996 1004.000        249 4016.000         62 16064.000  
251:    63,492   15.750      7,937  126.000        992 1008.000        248 4032.000         62 16128.000  
252:    63,241   15.812      7,905  126.500        988 1012.000        247 4048.000         62 16192.000  
253:    62,992   15.875      7,874  127.000        984 1016.000        246 4064.000         62 16256.000  
254:    62,745   15.937      7,843  127.500        980 1020.000        245 4080.000         61 16320.000  
255:    62,500   16.000      7,813  128.000        977 1024.000        244 4096.000         61 16384.000  

* = may not work reliably, testing shows.

Example code which uses a prescaler of one (no prescaler):

const byte OUTPUT_PIN = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const byte n = 224;  // for example, 71.111 kHz

void setup() 

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2A on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS20);         // fast PWM, no prescaler
  OCR2A =  n;                                // from table  
  OCR2B = ((n + 1) / 2) - 1;                 // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop() { }

Example code which uses a prescaler of 8:

const byte OUTPUT_PIN = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const byte n = 224;  // for example, 8.89 kHz

void setup() 

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2A on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS21);         // fast PWM, prescaler of 8
  OCR2A =  n;                                // from table  
  OCR2B = ((n + 1) / 2) - 1;                 // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop() { }

Example code which uses a prescaler of 64:

const byte OUTPUT_PIN = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const byte n = 224;  // for example, 1.111 kHz

void setup() 

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2A on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS22);         // fast PWM, prescaler of 64
  OCR2A =  n;                                // from table  
  OCR2B = ((n + 1) / 2) - 1;                 // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop() { }

Example code which uses a prescaler of 256:

const byte OUTPUT_PIN = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const byte n = 224;  // for example, 278 Hz

void setup() 

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2A on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS21) | bit (CS22);         // fast PWM, prescaler of 256
  OCR2A =  n;                                // from table  
  OCR2B = ((n + 1) / 2) - 1;                 // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop() { }

Example code which uses a prescaler of 1024:

const byte OUTPUT_PIN = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const byte n = 224;  // for example, 69 Hz

void setup() 

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2A on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS20) | bit (CS21) | bit (CS22);         // fast PWM, prescaler of 1024
  OCR2A =  n;                                // from table  
  OCR2B = ((n + 1) / 2) - 1;                 // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop() { }

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #8 on Sat 24 Nov 2012 01:46 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 04 Sep 2013 04:28 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Additional frequencies and periods for Timer 2

Timer 2 also offers the prescalers of 32 and 128. On timers 0 and 1 these "clock source" settings are used for an external clock (rising or falling edge).

  n  -- Prescale 32 --  -- Prescale 128 --  
     Freq (Hz) Per (uS)  Freq (Hz) Per (uS)
  1:   250,000    4.000     62,500   16.000  
  2:   166,667    6.000     41,667   24.000  
  3:   125,000    8.000     31,250   32.000  
  4:   100,000   10.000     25,000   40.000  
  5:    83,333   12.000     20,833   48.000  
  6:    71,429   14.000     17,857   56.000  
  7:    62,500   16.000     15,625   64.000  
  8:    55,556   18.000     13,889   72.000  
  9:    50,000   20.000     12,500   80.000  
 10:    45,455   22.000     11,364   88.000  
 11:    41,667   24.000     10,417   96.000  
 12:    38,462   26.000      9,615  104.000  
 13:    35,714   28.000      8,929  112.000  
 14:    33,333   30.000      8,333  120.000  
 15:    31,250   32.000      7,813  128.000  
 16:    29,412   34.000      7,353  136.000  
 17:    27,778   36.000      6,944  144.000  
 18:    26,316   38.000      6,579  152.000  
 19:    25,000   40.000      6,250  160.000  
 20:    23,810   42.000      5,952  168.000  
 21:    22,727   44.000      5,682  176.000  
 22:    21,739   46.000      5,435  184.000  
 23:    20,833   48.000      5,208  192.000  
 24:    20,000   50.000      5,000  200.000  
 25:    19,231   52.000      4,808  208.000  
 26:    18,519   54.000      4,630  216.000  
 27:    17,857   56.000      4,464  224.000  
 28:    17,241   58.000      4,310  232.000  
 29:    16,667   60.000      4,167  240.000  
 30:    16,129   62.000      4,032  248.000  
 31:    15,625   64.000      3,906  256.000  
 32:    15,152   66.000      3,788  264.000  
 33:    14,706   68.000      3,676  272.000  
 34:    14,286   70.000      3,571  280.000  
 35:    13,889   72.000      3,472  288.000  
 36:    13,514   74.000      3,378  296.000  
 37:    13,158   76.000      3,289  304.000  
 38:    12,821   78.000      3,205  312.000  
 39:    12,500   80.000      3,125  320.000  
 40:    12,195   82.000      3,049  328.000  
 41:    11,905   84.000      2,976  336.000  
 42:    11,628   86.000      2,907  344.000  
 43:    11,364   88.000      2,841  352.000  
 44:    11,111   90.000      2,778  360.000  
 45:    10,870   92.000      2,717  368.000  
 46:    10,638   94.000      2,660  376.000  
 47:    10,417   96.000      2,604  384.000  
 48:    10,204   98.000      2,551  392.000  
 49:    10,000  100.000      2,500  400.000  
 50:     9,804  102.000      2,451  408.000  
 51:     9,615  104.000      2,404  416.000  
 52:     9,434  106.000      2,358  424.000  
 53:     9,259  108.000      2,315  432.000  
 54:     9,091  110.000      2,273  440.000  
 55:     8,929  112.000      2,232  448.000  
 56:     8,772  114.000      2,193  456.000  
 57:     8,621  116.000      2,155  464.000  
 58:     8,475  118.000      2,119  472.000  
 59:     8,333  120.000      2,083  480.000  
 60:     8,197  122.000      2,049  488.000  
 61:     8,065  124.000      2,016  496.000  
 62:     7,937  126.000      1,984  504.000  
 63:     7,813  128.000      1,953  512.000  
 64:     7,692  130.000      1,923  520.000  
 65:     7,576  132.000      1,894  528.000  
 66:     7,463  134.000      1,866  536.000  
 67:     7,353  136.000      1,838  544.000  
 68:     7,246  138.000      1,812  552.000  
 69:     7,143  140.000      1,786  560.000  
 70:     7,042  142.000      1,761  568.000  
 71:     6,944  144.000      1,736  576.000  
 72:     6,849  146.000      1,712  584.000  
 73:     6,757  148.000      1,689  592.000  
 74:     6,667  150.000      1,667  600.000  
 75:     6,579  152.000      1,645  608.000  
 76:     6,494  154.000      1,623  616.000  
 77:     6,410  156.000      1,603  624.000  
 78:     6,329  158.000      1,582  632.000  
 79:     6,250  160.000      1,563  640.000  
 80:     6,173  162.000      1,543  648.000  
 81:     6,098  164.000      1,524  656.000  
 82:     6,024  166.000      1,506  664.000  
 83:     5,952  168.000      1,488  672.000  
 84:     5,882  170.000      1,471  680.000  
 85:     5,814  172.000      1,453  688.000  
 86:     5,747  174.000      1,437  696.000  
 87:     5,682  176.000      1,420  704.000  
 88:     5,618  178.000      1,404  712.000  
 89:     5,556  180.000      1,389  720.000  
 90:     5,495  182.000      1,374  728.000  
 91:     5,435  184.000      1,359  736.000  
 92:     5,376  186.000      1,344  744.000  
 93:     5,319  188.000      1,330  752.000  
 94:     5,263  190.000      1,316  760.000  
 95:     5,208  192.000      1,302  768.000  
 96:     5,155  194.000      1,289  776.000  
 97:     5,102  196.000      1,276  784.000  
 98:     5,051  198.000      1,263  792.000  
 99:     5,000  200.000      1,250  800.000  
100:     4,950  202.000      1,238  808.000  
101:     4,902  204.000      1,225  816.000  
102:     4,854  206.000      1,214  824.000  
103:     4,808  208.000      1,202  832.000  
104:     4,762  210.000      1,190  840.000  
105:     4,717  212.000      1,179  848.000  
106:     4,673  214.000      1,168  856.000  
107:     4,630  216.000      1,157  864.000  
108:     4,587  218.000      1,147  872.000  
109:     4,545  220.000      1,136  880.000  
110:     4,505  222.000      1,126  888.000  
111:     4,464  224.000      1,116  896.000  
112:     4,425  226.000      1,106  904.000  
113:     4,386  228.000      1,096  912.000  
114:     4,348  230.000      1,087  920.000  
115:     4,310  232.000      1,078  928.000  
116:     4,274  234.000      1,068  936.000  
117:     4,237  236.000      1,059  944.000  
118:     4,202  238.000      1,050  952.000  
119:     4,167  240.000      1,042  960.000  
120:     4,132  242.000      1,033  968.000  
121:     4,098  244.000      1,025  976.000  
122:     4,065  246.000      1,016  984.000  
123:     4,032  248.000      1,008  992.000  
124:     4,000  250.000      1,000 1000.000  
125:     3,968  252.000        992 1008.000  
126:     3,937  254.000        984 1016.000  
127:     3,906  256.000        977 1024.000  
128:     3,876  258.000        969 1032.000  
129:     3,846  260.000        962 1040.000  
130:     3,817  262.000        954 1048.000  
131:     3,788  264.000        947 1056.000  
132:     3,759  266.000        940 1064.000  
133:     3,731  268.000        933 1072.000  
134:     3,704  270.000        926 1080.000  
135:     3,676  272.000        919 1088.000  
136:     3,650  274.000        912 1096.000  
137:     3,623  276.000        906 1104.000  
138:     3,597  278.000        899 1112.000  
139:     3,571  280.000        893 1120.000  
140:     3,546  282.000        887 1128.000  
141:     3,521  284.000        880 1136.000  
142:     3,497  286.000        874 1144.000  
143:     3,472  288.000        868 1152.000  
144:     3,448  290.000        862 1160.000  
145:     3,425  292.000        856 1168.000  
146:     3,401  294.000        850 1176.000  
147:     3,378  296.000        845 1184.000  
148:     3,356  298.000        839 1192.000  
149:     3,333  300.000        833 1200.000  
150:     3,311  302.000        828 1208.000  
151:     3,289  304.000        822 1216.000  
152:     3,268  306.000        817 1224.000  
153:     3,247  308.000        812 1232.000  
154:     3,226  310.000        806 1240.000  
155:     3,205  312.000        801 1248.000  
156:     3,185  314.000        796 1256.000  
157:     3,165  316.000        791 1264.000  
158:     3,145  318.000        786 1272.000  
159:     3,125  320.000        781 1280.000  
160:     3,106  322.000        776 1288.000  
161:     3,086  324.000        772 1296.000  
162:     3,067  326.000        767 1304.000  
163:     3,049  328.000        762 1312.000  
164:     3,030  330.000        758 1320.000  
165:     3,012  332.000        753 1328.000  
166:     2,994  334.000        749 1336.000  
167:     2,976  336.000        744 1344.000  
168:     2,959  338.000        740 1352.000  
169:     2,941  340.000        735 1360.000  
170:     2,924  342.000        731 1368.000  
171:     2,907  344.000        727 1376.000  
172:     2,890  346.000        723 1384.000  
173:     2,874  348.000        718 1392.000  
174:     2,857  350.000        714 1400.000  
175:     2,841  352.000        710 1408.000  
176:     2,825  354.000        706 1416.000  
177:     2,809  356.000        702 1424.000  
178:     2,793  358.000        698 1432.000  
179:     2,778  360.000        694 1440.000  
180:     2,762  362.000        691 1448.000  
181:     2,747  364.000        687 1456.000  
182:     2,732  366.000        683 1464.000  
183:     2,717  368.000        679 1472.000  
184:     2,703  370.000        676 1480.000  
185:     2,688  372.000        672 1488.000  
186:     2,674  374.000        668 1496.000  
187:     2,660  376.000        665 1504.000  
188:     2,646  378.000        661 1512.000  
189:     2,632  380.000        658 1520.000  
190:     2,618  382.000        654 1528.000  
191:     2,604  384.000        651 1536.000  
192:     2,591  386.000        648 1544.000  
193:     2,577  388.000        644 1552.000  
194:     2,564  390.000        641 1560.000  
195:     2,551  392.000        638 1568.000  
196:     2,538  394.000        635 1576.000  
197:     2,525  396.000        631 1584.000  
198:     2,513  398.000        628 1592.000  
199:     2,500  400.000        625 1600.000  
200:     2,488  402.000        622 1608.000  
201:     2,475  404.000        619 1616.000  
202:     2,463  406.000        616 1624.000  
203:     2,451  408.000        613 1632.000  
204:     2,439  410.000        610 1640.000  
205:     2,427  412.000        607 1648.000  
206:     2,415  414.000        604 1656.000  
207:     2,404  416.000        601 1664.000  
208:     2,392  418.000        598 1672.000  
209:     2,381  420.000        595 1680.000  
210:     2,370  422.000        592 1688.000  
211:     2,358  424.000        590 1696.000  
212:     2,347  426.000        587 1704.000  
213:     2,336  428.000        584 1712.000  
214:     2,326  430.000        581 1720.000  
215:     2,315  432.000        579 1728.000  
216:     2,304  434.000        576 1736.000  
217:     2,294  436.000        573 1744.000  
218:     2,283  438.000        571 1752.000  
219:     2,273  440.000        568 1760.000  
220:     2,262  442.000        566 1768.000  
221:     2,252  444.000        563 1776.000  
222:     2,242  446.000        561 1784.000  
223:     2,232  448.000        558 1792.000  
224:     2,222  450.000        556 1800.000  
225:     2,212  452.000        553 1808.000  
226:     2,203  454.000        551 1816.000  
227:     2,193  456.000        548 1824.000  
228:     2,183  458.000        546 1832.000  
229:     2,174  460.000        543 1840.000  
230:     2,165  462.000        541 1848.000  
231:     2,155  464.000        539 1856.000  
232:     2,146  466.000        536 1864.000  
233:     2,137  468.000        534 1872.000  
234:     2,128  470.000        532 1880.000  
235:     2,119  472.000        530 1888.000  
236:     2,110  474.000        527 1896.000  
237:     2,101  476.000        525 1904.000  
238:     2,092  478.000        523 1912.000  
239:     2,083  480.000        521 1920.000  
240:     2,075  482.000        519 1928.000  
241:     2,066  484.000        517 1936.000  
242:     2,058  486.000        514 1944.000  
243:     2,049  488.000        512 1952.000  
244:     2,041  490.000        510 1960.000  
245:     2,033  492.000        508 1968.000  
246:     2,024  494.000        506 1976.000  
247:     2,016  496.000        504 1984.000  
248:     2,008  498.000        502 1992.000  
249:     2,000  500.000        500 2000.000  
250:     1,992  502.000        498 2008.000  
251:     1,984  504.000        496 2016.000  
252:     1,976  506.000        494 2024.000  
253:     1,969  508.000        492 2032.000  
254:     1,961  510.000        490 2040.000  
255:     1,953  512.000        488 2048.000  

Example code which uses a prescaler of 32:

const byte OUTPUT_PIN = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const byte n = 224;  // for example, 2.222 kHz

void setup() 

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2A on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS20) | bit (CS21);         // fast PWM, prescaler of 32
  OCR2A =  n;                                // from table  
  OCR2B = ((n + 1) / 2) - 1;                 // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop() { }

Example code which uses a prescaler of 128:

const byte OUTPUT_PIN = 3;  // Timer 2 "B" output: OC2B

const byte n = 224;  // for example, 556 Hz

void setup() 

  TCCR2A = bit (WGM20) | bit (WGM21) | bit (COM2B1); // fast PWM, clear OC2A on compare
  TCCR2B = bit (WGM22) | bit (CS20) | bit (CS22);         // fast PWM, prescaler of 128
  OCR2A =  n;                                // from table  
  OCR2B = ((n + 1) / 2) - 1;                 // 50% duty cycle
  }  // end of setup

void loop() { }

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #9 on Thu 29 Nov 2012 03:48 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 04 Sep 2013 04:29 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Attiny85 example

The code below was developed in answer to a question on the Arduino forum. It shows how you can have 3 x PWM outputs on an Attiny85 chip:

// For Attiny85
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 29 November 2012

void setup() 
  pinMode (0, OUTPUT);  // chip pin 5  // OC0A - Timer 0 "A"
  pinMode (1, OUTPUT);  // chip pin 6  // OC0B - Timer 0 "B"
  pinMode (4, OUTPUT);  // chip pin 3  // OC1B - Timer 1 "B"
  // Timer 0, A side
  TCCR0A = bit (WGM00) | bit (WGM01) | bit (COM0A1); // fast PWM, clear OC0A on compare
  TCCR0B = bit (CS00);           // fast PWM, top at 0xFF, no prescaler
  OCR0A = 127;                   // duty cycle (50%)

  // Timer 0, B side
  TCCR0A |= bit (COM0B1);        // clear OC0B on compare
  OCR0B = 63;                    // duty cycle (25%)

  // Timer 1
  TCCR1 = bit (CS10);           // no prescaler
  GTCCR = bit (COM1B1) | bit (PWM1B);  //  clear OC1B on compare
  OCR1B = 31;                   // duty cycle (25%)
  OCR1C = 127;                  // frequency
  }  // end of setup

void loop() { }

Timer 0 is set as fast PWM, counting up to 0xFF (255). Timer 1 is also PWM, counting up to 127 (OCR1C). This means you can adjust the frequency of Timer 1.

Logic analyzer output on a processor running at 8 MHz:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #10 on Fri 01 Feb 2013 05:32 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 04 Sep 2013 04:29 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Asynchronous timer example

You can clock timer 2 "asynchronously". What this means is, that if you use the internal oscillator for the processor (ie. run at 8 MHz) then the clock input pins (XTAL1 and XTAL1, which are pins 9 and 10 on the chip) can have a different crystal on them, as a clock input. For example, a 32.768 kHz "clock" crystal.

The advantage of a 32.768 crystal is that, by dividing it by 32768, you get exactly one second per timer firing (less or more by playing with the timer counter interval).

This lets you sleep for an accurate interval (more accurate than the watchdog timer), and indeed, a long interval, like 8 seconds.

Whilst asleep, the processor uses very little power. In the example sketch I measured 1.46 µA current consumption, when the output was LOW, if running from 5V power supply, and 1.1 µA if running from 3.3V power supply.

#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>

const byte tick = 3;

// interrupt on Timer 2 compare "A" completion - does nothing

void setup() 
  pinMode (tick, OUTPUT);
  // clock input to timer 2 from XTAL1/XTAL2
  ASSR = bit (AS2);  

  // set up timer 2 to count up to 32 * 1024  (32768)
  TCCR2A = bit (WGM21);                             // CTC
  TCCR2B = bit (CS20) | bit (CS21) | bit (CS22);    // Prescaler of 1024                                  
  OCR2A =  31;              // count to 32 (zero-relative)                  

  // enable timer interrupts
  TIMSK2 |= bit (OCIE2A);
  // disable ADC
  ADCSRA = 0;  
  // turn off everything we can
  power_adc_disable ();
  // full power-down doesn't respond to Timer 2
  set_sleep_mode (SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE);  

  // get ready ...
  }  // end of setup

void loop() 

  // turn off brown-out enable in software
  MCUCR = bit (BODS) | bit (BODSE);
  MCUCR = bit (BODS); 
  // sleep, finally!
  sleep_cpu ();  

  // we awoke! pulse the clock hand
  digitalWrite (tick, ! digitalRead (tick));
  }  // end of loop

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #11 on Mon 01 Apr 2013 04:33 AM (UTC)
Tone library for timers

The small library below simplifies generating tones with the hardware timers. Unlike the "Tone" library that comes with the Arduino this one directly uses the outputting capability of the hardware timers, and thus does not use interrupts.

Example of use on the Uno:

#include <TonePlayer.h>

TonePlayer tone1 (TCCR1A, TCCR1B, OCR1AH, OCR1AL, TCNT1H, TCNT1L);  // pin D9 (Uno), D11 (Mega)

void setup() 
  pinMode (9, OUTPUT);  // output pin is fixed (OC1A)
  tone1.tone (220);  // 220 Hz
  delay (500);
  tone1.noTone ();

  tone1.tone (440);
  delay (500);
  tone1.noTone ();

  tone1.tone (880);
  delay (500);
  tone1.noTone ();

void loop() { }

The library is written for the 16-bit timers, and supports Timer 1 on the Atmega328, and Timers 1, 3, 4, 5 on the Atmega2560. Comments inside the library show how to set up the other timers.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #12 on Sat 31 Aug 2013 04:33 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 04 Jul 2015 04:43 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Timing an interval using the input capture unit

The code below is a modified version of the sketch above (in reply #1) that calculates a frequency by inverting the period.

In other words, it can be used to time the interval between two consecutive pulses.

This one uses the "input capture" input to capture the value in Timer 1 at the moment an event occurs. Since the hardware captures the timer value in a separate register, this eliminates the delay caused by entering the interrupt routine (itself around 2 µs).

// Frequency timer using input capture unit
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 31 August 2013

// Input: Pin D8 

volatile boolean first;
volatile boolean triggered;
volatile unsigned long overflowCount;
volatile unsigned long startTime;
volatile unsigned long finishTime;

// timer overflows (every 65536 counts)
ISR (TIMER1_OVF_vect) 
}  // end of TIMER1_OVF_vect

  // grab counter value before it changes any more
  unsigned int timer1CounterValue;
  timer1CounterValue = ICR1;  // see datasheet, page 117 (accessing 16-bit registers)
  unsigned long overflowCopy = overflowCount;
  // if just missed an overflow
  if ((TIFR1 & bit (TOV1)) && timer1CounterValue < 0x7FFF)
  // wait until we noticed last one
  if (triggered)

  if (first)
    startTime = (overflowCopy << 16) + timer1CounterValue;
    first = false;
  finishTime = (overflowCopy << 16) + timer1CounterValue;
  triggered = true;
  TIMSK1 = 0;    // no more interrupts for now
  }  // end of TIMER1_CAPT_vect
void prepareForInterrupts ()
  noInterrupts ();  // protected code
  first = true;
  triggered = false;  // re-arm for next time
  // reset Timer 1
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = 0;
  TIFR1 = bit (ICF1) | bit (TOV1);  // clear flags so we don't get a bogus interrupt
  TCNT1 = 0;          // Counter to zero
  overflowCount = 0;  // Therefore no overflows yet
  // Timer 1 - counts clock pulses
  TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1) | bit (ICIE1);   // interrupt on Timer 1 overflow and input capture
  // start Timer 1, no prescaler
  TCCR1B =  bit (CS10) | bit (ICES1);  // plus Input Capture Edge Select (rising on D8)
  interrupts ();
  }  // end of prepareForInterrupts

void setup () 
  Serial.println("Frequency Counter");
  // set up for interrupts
  prepareForInterrupts ();   
  } // end of setup

void loop () 
  // wait till we have a reading
  if (!triggered)
  // period is elapsed time
  unsigned long elapsedTime = finishTime - startTime;
  // frequency is inverse of period, adjusted for clock period
  float freq = F_CPU / float (elapsedTime);  // each tick is 62.5 ns at 16 MHz
  Serial.print ("Took: ");
  Serial.print (elapsedTime);
  Serial.print (" counts. ");

  Serial.print ("Frequency: ");
  Serial.print (freq);
  Serial.println (" Hz. ");

  // so we can read it  
  delay (500);

  prepareForInterrupts ();   
}   // end of loop

The above code successfully counted a 200 kHz input. Output:

Took: 80 counts. Frequency: 200000.00 Hz. 
Took: 80 counts. Frequency: 200000.00 Hz. 
Took: 80 counts. Frequency: 200000.00 Hz. 
Took: 80 counts. Frequency: 200000.00 Hz. 
Took: 80 counts. Frequency: 200000.00 Hz. 

Put another way, it captured an interval of 5 µs (80 x 62.5 ns). Since it takes about 2.5 µs to enter and leave an ISR (interrupt service routine) then this sounds about right (you need two interrupts to capture the interval: the "start of interval" interrupt and the "end of interval" interrupt).

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #13 on Tue 05 Nov 2013 06:41 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 04 Jul 2015 04:50 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Measuring a duty cycle using the input capture unit

The sketch below is a variation on the frequency counter above. However this one measures the width of the "on" portion of the duty cycle of a pulse. This could be useful for decoding information from PWM style controls.

// Duty cycle calculation using input capture unit
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 5 November 2013

// Input: Pin D8 

volatile boolean first;
volatile boolean triggered;
volatile unsigned long overflowCount;
volatile unsigned long startTime;
volatile unsigned long finishTime;

// timer overflows (every 65536 counts)
ISR (TIMER1_OVF_vect) 
}  // end of TIMER1_OVF_vect

  // grab counter value before it changes any more
  unsigned int timer1CounterValue;
  timer1CounterValue = ICR1;  // see datasheet, page 117 (accessing 16-bit registers)
  unsigned long overflowCopy = overflowCount;
  // if just missed an overflow
  if ((TIFR1 & bit (TOV1)) && timer1CounterValue < 0x7FFF)
  // wait until we noticed last one
  if (triggered)

  if (first)
    startTime = (overflowCopy << 16) + timer1CounterValue;
    TIFR1 |= bit (ICF1);     // clear Timer/Counter1, Input Capture Flag
    TCCR1B =  bit (CS10);    // No prescaling, Input Capture Edge Select (falling on D8)
    first = false;
  finishTime = (overflowCopy << 16) + timer1CounterValue;
  triggered = true;
  TIMSK1 = 0;    // no more interrupts for now
  }  // end of TIMER1_CAPT_vect
void prepareForInterrupts ()
  noInterrupts ();  // protected code
  first = true;
  triggered = false;  // re-arm for next time
  // reset Timer 1
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = 0;
  TIFR1 = bit (ICF1) | bit (TOV1);  // clear flags so we don't get a bogus interrupt
  TCNT1 = 0;          // Counter to zero
  overflowCount = 0;  // Therefore no overflows yet
  // Timer 1 - counts clock pulses
  TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1) | bit (ICIE1);   // interrupt on Timer 1 overflow and input capture
  // start Timer 1, no prescaler
  TCCR1B =  bit (CS10) | bit (ICES1);  // plus Input Capture Edge Select (rising on D8)
  interrupts ();
  }  // end of prepareForInterrupts

void setup () 
  Serial.println("Duty cycle width calculator");
  // set up for interrupts
  prepareForInterrupts ();   
  } // end of setup

void loop () 
  // wait till we have a reading
  if (!triggered)
  // period is elapsed time
  unsigned long elapsedTime = finishTime - startTime;
  Serial.print ("Took: ");
  Serial.print (float (elapsedTime) * 62.5e-9 * 1e6);  // convert to microseconds
  Serial.println (" uS. ");

  // so we can read it  
  delay (500);

  prepareForInterrupts ();   
}   // end of loop

Testing shows that the displayed pulse width is within 100 ns of the actual width (two clock cycles basically) which isn't too bad.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #14 on Tue 04 Nov 2014 03:12 AM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 14 Jan 2016 06:30 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Example strobe for car brake light

This example shows how we can use Timer 1 to strobe a brake light for a second, and then settle down into a constant "on" light, until the brake pedal is released.

const byte LED = 10;  // Timer 1 "B" output: OC1B
const byte PEDAL_PIN = 2;

const int ON_TIME     = 1000;    // This is the amount of time that the strobe will flash before going solid
const int STROBE_FREQ = 100;     // sets the delay between strobe pulses in milliseconds 
const unsigned long countTo = (F_CPU / 1024) / (1000 / STROBE_FREQ); 

volatile unsigned long whenPressed;
volatile bool pressed;

// ISR entered when brake pedal pressed
void brakePedal ()
  bitSet (TCCR1A, COM1B1);   // clear OC1B on compare
  whenPressed = millis ();
  pressed = true;
  }  // end of brakePedal
void setup() 
  pinMode (LED, OUTPUT);

  // Fast PWM top at OCR1A
  TCCR1A = bit (WGM10) | bit (WGM11); // fast PWM
  TCCR1B = bit (WGM12) | bit (WGM13) | bit (CS12) | bit (CS10);   // fast PWM, prescaler of 1024
  OCR1A = countTo - 1;                 // zero relative 
  OCR1B = (countTo / 4) - 1;           // 25% duty cycle
  attachInterrupt (0, brakePedal, FALLING);
  }  // end of setup

void loop()
  // switch from strobing to steady after ON_TIME
  if (pressed && (millis () - whenPressed >= ON_TIME))
    bitClear (TCCR1A, COM1B1);
    digitalWrite (LED, HIGH);  // turn light on fully

  // if pedal up, make sure light is off
  if (digitalRead (PEDAL_PIN) == HIGH)
    bitClear (TCCR1A, COM1B1);
    digitalWrite (LED, LOW);  // turn light off
    pressed = false;
  // do other stuff here
  }  // end of loop

Example of flashing an LED with minimal code

This flashes D10 at a frequency of 2 Hz (off for one second, on for one second)

const int STROBE_FREQ = 2000;     // sets the period in milliseconds 
const unsigned long countTo = ((float) F_CPU / 1024.0) / (1000.0 / STROBE_FREQ); 

int main (void) 
  // D10 to output
  bitSet (DDRB, 2);

  // Fast PWM top at OCR1A
  TCCR1A = bit (WGM10) | bit (WGM11); // fast PWM
  TCCR1B = bit (WGM12) | bit (WGM13) | bit (CS12) | bit (CS10);   // fast PWM, prescaler of 1024
  OCR1A = countTo - 1;                 // zero relative 
  OCR1B = (countTo / 2) - 1;           // 50% duty cycle
  bitSet (TCCR1A, COM1B1);   // clear OC1B on compare
  }  // end of main

Sketch size: 222 bytes on a Uno using IDE 1.0.6.

- Nick Gammon,

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