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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Suggestions ➜ Some window function suggestions..

Some window function suggestions..

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Posted by Shadowfyr   USA  (1,790 posts)  Bio
Date Wed 27 Apr 2005 09:16 PM (UTC)
First off. Flannel's suggestion of a 'PauseX' is a good idea. However.. it occures to be that a special callback for them might be useful as well, so you can differenciate between 'which' input window is being used to type something. i.e. A 'OnSendX' callback. A person that wanted to have the main window work normally, but the secondary window append 'say', could thus use the callback to modify the behaviour of the input from each such window. For that matter, to simulate two seperate inputs, its might be useful to also have a 'HideOutputWindowX' type command, to make only the input line itself appear.

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