Released on 14 May 2006
1. Added new script function AddSpellCheckWord.
This lets you add a word to the spell checker "user dictionary" from within a script.
result = AddSpellCheckWord (original_word, action, replacement)
original_word = word to match on
action = one of the following single characters (case-sensitive):
'a' = The word should be unconditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern as listed in the lexicon.
'A' = The word should be unconditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern of the original word.
'c' = The word should be conditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern as listed in the lexicon.
'C' = The word should be conditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern of the original word.
'e' = The word should be treated as misspelled by the spell checker, even if it is defined in other lexicons.
'i' = The word should be ignored (skipped) because it is considered correctly spelled.
replacement = the word to replace (or suggest a replacement for) the original word
AddSpellCheckWord ("foo", "A", "bar") --> convert "foo" to "bar"
AddSpellCheckWord ("colour", "i", "") --> "colour" is spelt correctly
The third argument (replacement word) is optional in Lua and defaults to an empty string.
Return codes:
eSpellCheckNotActive - spell checker not enabled or could not be opened
eBadParameter - original_word not supplied or too long (more than 63 characters); or replacement word too long (more than 63 characters); or error returned from spell-check engine
eUnknownOption - action code not in the above list
eOK - did it OK
2. Added new script function OpenBrowser.
This lets you open your web browser from within MUSHclient and feed a URL to it, to be opened. eg.
OpenBrowser ("")
3. Fixed some documentation problems.
4. Fixed problem where if MUSHclient was minimized and then closed (eg. Windows shutdown) it would incorrectly remember the locations of the world windows and status bars. Now, it no longer saves the window position if it is minimized when it is closed. (Bug 475).
5. When you edit the Lua "sandbox" in global preferences, and then click on the "Edit" button, the dialog box now realises you are editing a script and offers the script functions and completion features.
6. When using the Save () function in Lua, the filename is now optional, and defaults to the empty string, which means the world file is saved under its current name.
7. Added new Lua script function utils.filepicker.
This invokes the Windows standard "file picker" dialog box, which lets you choose a file for opening or saving. Usage is:
filter = { txt = "Text files", ["*"] = "All files" }
filename = utils.filepicker (title, name, extension, filter, save)
title - title to appear on the dialog box (eg. "Name of plugin")
name - default name of file to be loaded/saved
extension - default extension to use
filter - table of file filters, see example above
save - true for a "save" dialog, false for a "load" dialog
All arguments are optional.
Returns nil if dialog dismissed, or the chosen filename if not.
8. Added new Lua script function utils.editbox.
This is almost identical to utils.inputbox, except that the response field:
* is much larger - for entering large amounts of text
* has scroll bars - for scrolling through it
Otherwise, the arguments are the same as for utils.inputbox.
9. Added extra arguments to utils.inputbox and utils.editbox, to allow you to specify a font and font size for the response field.
result = utils.inputbox ("message", "title", "default response", "Courier", 8)
10. Changed behaviour of command stacking, so that if the very first character in command input is the command stack character (and command stacking is enabled), then command stacking is disabled for the current input.
For example, if the command stack character is ';' then this becomes a single command:
;say "hi there; come along"
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