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Lua script extensions

MUSHclient has some scripting extensions which are only available to Lua scripting. This page describes them.

Lua "sandbox"

To help block out dangerous functions, for example:

os.execute "del mushclient.exe"

... MUSHclient has a 'preliminary script' box in its Global Preferences -> Lua section.

Into this you can place code that disables some 'dangerous' functions (like 'os') by setting them to nil.

The code in this box is executed every time the Lua script engine is instantiated, in other words for every world, and every plugin.

You can modify the sandbox code to remove all restrictions, add more, or fine-tune them to your requirements. For example, if you wanted to use and os.time (and others), but not os.execute, os.remove or os.rename, you could use:

os.execute = nil  -- no executing OS commands
os.remove = nil   -- no removing files
os.rename = nil   -- no renaming files

'print' function

To make it easier to use Lua examples in MUSHclient, the function "print" is defined to effectively call the world "Note" function. However, unlike Note, print adds a space between each argument (like the Lua "print" does).


Note "hello, world"
print "hello, world"    --> does the same thing

Note (1, 2, 3) --> 123
print (1, 2, 3) --> 1 2 3

world functions available from global scope

Although the normal MUSHclient script functions are defined in the "world" table, MUSHclient adds a metatable to the _G table and uses the __index entry to make the script functions available at global scope.

Put another way, you can either write:

world.Note "hello, world"  --> calls Note function in world table

Note "hello, world"        --> does the same thing

Both methods call the world.Note script function.

If you wish to change the behaviour of an inbuilt script function you must replace the world.XXX version (eg. change world.Note) rather than simply replacing the global version.

'check' function

Many script functions return error codes (see the error_code table described below). A quick way of checking that the function has succeeded is to wrap the 'check' function around it.

For example, instead of:

DoAfter (10, "eat food")

you could do this:

check (DoAfter (10, "eat food"))

This raises an error (and shows the appropriate error message) if the function fails. Note that this is not relevant to all functions, only those which are documented to return eOK on success, and some other code on failure.


To make it easier to write scripts, MUSHclient's Lua interface has various built-in tables of constants.

Trigger flags for AddTrigger

These are in the 'trigger_flag' table.

print (trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput) --> 4

Trigger flags for AddAlias

These are in the 'alias_flag' table.

print (alias_flag.AliasQueue) --> 4096

Trigger flags for AddTimer

These are in the 'timer_flag' table.

print (timer_flag.OneShot) --> 4

Custom colour flags for AddTrigger

These are in the 'custom_colour' table.

print (custom_colour.NoChange) --> -1

Error codes - map error names to numbers

These are in the 'error_code' table.

You can use these to check individual error codes.


if AddTimer (blah blah blah) == 
     error_code.eTimerAlreadyExists  then
  error ("That timer already exists")

print (error_code.eBadRegularExpression) --> 30021

Also see above about the 'check' function.

Error codes - map error codes to descriptions

These are in the 'error_desc' table.

You can use these to give meaningful error messages.


status = AddTimer ("a", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
if status ~= error_code.eOK  then
  error (error_desc [status]) -->  Time given to AddTimer is invalid

Colour names - map colour picker names to RGB values

These are in the 'colour_names' table.

You can use these to look up colour names (eg. "red") and find the corresponding RGB value.

Extended colour codes - map colour selector numbers to RGB values

These are in the 'extended_colours' table.

You can use these to see what the RGB equivalent is for the 256 extended colours (keyed by 0 to 255).

Send-to codes - map scripted "send" names to a number

These are in the 'sendto' table.

You can use these to make functions like DoAfterSpecial more self-documenting. For example, instead of sending to '12', you can send to 'sendto.script'.


DoAfterSpecial (5, "Sound ('ding.wav')",  sendto.script)

Miniwindow constants

These are in the 'miniwin' table.

You can use these to make functions like WindowCreate, WindowRectOp, WindowCircleOp etc. more self-documenting. For example, instead of doing WindowRectOp action 1, you can use 'miniwin.rect_frame'.


WindowRectOp (win, miniwin.rect_frame, 20, 20, 70, 70, ColourNameToRGB("blue")) 


This provides functionality for displaying a "progress" dialog box during lengthy operations.

First you create the progress dialog with: (description)

That returns a userdata item that you can then use in subsequent operations:

dlg:status (msg) --> set a status message (eg. "processing 'foo' ")
dlg:range (low, high) --> sets the range of operations (eg. 1 to 100)
dlg:position (pos)  --> sets where we are in the range (eg. 80)
dlg:checkcancel ()  --> returns true if the user clicked on the cancel button
dlg:setstep (amount)  --> sets the step amount (eg. 5)
dlg:step ()  --> increase the position by the step amount
dlg:close ()  --> dismiss the progress dialog

Example of use:

local dlg = ("Loading things ...")
dlg:range (0, 3)  --> 3 steps
dlg:setstep (1)  --> step 1 per step
dlg:status ("Processing foo")  --> first step
dlg:step ()
-- do something lengthy here
dlg:status ("Processing bar")  --> second step
dlg:step ()
-- do something lengthy here
dlg:status ("Processing fruit")  --> third step
dlg:step ()
-- do something lengthy here
dlg:close ()  --> all done

The dialog box is a "modal" dialog, so make sure you arrange to close it, even on a script error, or it will lock out attempts to use the GUI interface. If necessary, use "pcall" on whatever it is you do while the dialog is open.

See Also ...


Lua base functions
Lua bc (big number) functions
Lua bit manipulation functions
Lua coroutine functions
Lua debug functions
Lua io functions
Lua LPEG library
Lua math functions
Lua os functions
Lua package functions
Lua PCRE regular expression functions
Lua SQLite (database) interface
Lua string functions
Lua syntax
Lua table functions
Lua utilities
Scripting callbacks - plugins
Scripting functions list

(Help topic: general=lua)

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