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Colour management

Colour Palette

To understand how the program handles colours, it is necessary to discuss the concept of a colour "palette". MUSHclient recognises 8 ANSI "normal" colours (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white), and the same 8 colours in "bold". The codes to change colours may be sent by a particular MUD if the appropriate function calls are made by a room designer. The normal colour is white text on a black background.

However, the actual colours that are displayed depend on the colour palette for a particular world. For example "black" might actually display as grey, and "white" might actually display as green.

Changing colours

To change colours, use the "ANSI Colour" configuration dialog. You can right-mouse-click to copy colours from one colour swatch to another. Click on the colour swatches to change the colour.

Custom colours

Triggers and scripts can also use custom colours, which are a further 16 colours (pairs of foreground/background colours) which are configurable in the "Custom Colour" configuration dialog.

RGB colours

Triggers and scripts can also use the full RGB colour gamut - which is 256 (red) X 256 (green) X 256 (blue) colour combinations (a total of 16,777,216 possible colours). This allows for a wide range of colour presentation. In a trigger select the "other..." item from the colour combo-box. In scripts you can use things like world.ColourNote to send messages to the window in any colour.

Saving colours

Colours from one world can be saved to a "colour file" and then loaded into another world, thus keeping them all to the same colour scheme.

Mapping colours

From version 3.54 onwards you can also "map" one colour to another. This is provided to allow you to customise MXP colours which do not otherwise have a mechanism for being displayed differently. See the MapColour function for more details. This allows you to have a "last moment" mapping of a colour (that you don't like) to a different colour (that you prefer).

See Also ...


Default triggers/aliases/timers/macros/colours


(AdjustColour) Adjust an RGB colour
(ANSI) Generates an ANSI colour sequence
(BoldColour) Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI bold colours
(ColourNameToRGB) Converts a named colour to a RGB colour code.
(ColourNote) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours
(ColourTell) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours - not terminated by a newline
(CustomColourBackground) Sets the RGB value for the background of a custom colour
(CustomColourText) Sets the RGB value for the text of a custom colour
(GetCustomColourName) Gets the name of a custom colour
(GetMapColour) Returns the mapping for how a particular colour will be displayed
(MapColour) Changes the colour mapping - the way colours are displayed
(MapColourList) Returns an array of all the mapped colours
(NormalColour) Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI normal colours
(NoteColour) Chooses which custom colour will be used for world notes.
(NoteColourBack) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - background colour
(NoteColourFore) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text colour
(NoteColourName) Chooses which RGB colour name will be used for world notes - text and background
(NoteColourRGB) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text and background
(PickColour) Invokes the MUSHclient colour picker dialog
(RGBColourToName) Converts an RGB colour code to its equivalent name
(SetCustomColourName) Sets the name of a custom colour

(Help topic: general=colours)

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