Script function
Read about scripting
Reloads an installed plugin
long ReloadPlugin(BSTR PluginID);
View list of data type meanings
This is designed to help plugin writers quickly reload a plugin they are testing. You can specify the plugin by unique ID, or by plugin name (assuming the name is unique in your list of plugins).
world.ReloadPlugin "chat"
world.ReloadPlugin "753ba7e011f3c8943a885f18"
However, a plugin cannot reload itself. That would mean the script was deleted out from under itself. If you try to work around that by having plugin A call plugin B, and plugin B reloads plugin A, you will probably get a crash. If you really want to make a "reload myself" function in a plugin, use something like DoAfterSpecial, to send the "ReloadPlugin" command to the script engine after a 1-second delay.
The intention here is for plugin authors to make an alias that they can type when they want to retest their plugin.
The check for plugin name or plugin ID is not case-sensitive.
Available in MUSHclient version 3.50 onwards.
VBscript example
world.ReloadPlugin "chat"
world.ReloadPlugin "753ba7e011f3c8943a885f18"
Jscript example
world.ReloadPlugin ("chat");
world.ReloadPlugin ("753ba7e011f3c8943a885f18");
PerlScript example
$world->ReloadPlugin ("chat");
$world->ReloadPlugin ("753ba7e011f3c8943a885f18");
Python example
world.ReloadPlugin ("chat")
world.ReloadPlugin ("753ba7e011f3c8943a885f18")
Lua example
ReloadPlugin ("chat")
ReloadPlugin ("753ba7e011f3c8943a885f18")
Return value
eNoSuchPlugin: Plugin is not currently installed
eBadParameter: Cannot reload ourselves
ePluginFileNotFound: Plugin file not found
eProblemsLoadingPlugin: Parsing or other problem in plugin file - see error window
eOK: Loaded OK
View list of return code meanings
See Also ...
(BroadcastPlugin) Broadcasts a message to all installed plugins
(CallPlugin) Calls a routine in a plugin
(EnablePlugin) Enables or disables the specified plugin
(GetPluginID) Returns the 24-character ID of the current plugin
(GetPluginInfo) Gets details about a specified plugin
(GetPluginList) Gets a list of installed plugins.
(GetPluginName) Returns the name of the current plugin
(GetPluginTimerInfo) Gets details about a named timer for a specified plugin
(GetPluginTimerList) Gets the list of timers in a specified plugin
(GetPluginVariable) Gets the contents of a variable belonging to a plugin
(GetPluginVariableList) Gets the list of variables in a specified plugin
(IsPluginInstalled) Checks to see if a particular plugin is installed
(LoadPlugin) Loads a plugin from disk
(PluginSupports) Checks if a plugin supports a particular routine
(SaveState) Saves the state of the current plugin
(UnloadPlugin) Unloads an installed plugin
(Help topic: function=ReloadPlugin)