Script function
Read about scripting
Gets the list of variables in a specified plugin
VARIANT GetPluginVariableList(BSTR PluginID);
View list of data type meanings
Returns an array of all the variables currently defined for the nominated plugin. You can then use GetPluginVariable to get the value for each one.
If you want to find the list of variables in the current plugin, use "GetVariableList".
If you are writing a plugin and want to find the "global" MUSHclient variable list, use an empty plugin ID, eg.
vList = world.GetPluginVariableList ("")
Available in MUSHclient version 3.23 onwards.
VBscript example
dim varList
varList = world.GetPluginVariableList ("982581e59ab42844527eec80")
If Not IsEmpty (varList) Then
For Each v In varList
world.note v & " = " & world.GetPluginVariable ("982581e59ab42844527eec80", v)
End If
Jscript example
varList = new VBArray(world.GetPluginVariableList("982581e59ab42844527eec80")).toArray();
if (varList) // if not empty
for (i = 0; i < varList.length; i++)
world.note(varList [i] + " = " +
world.GetPluginVariable("982581e59ab42844527eec80", varList [i]));
PerlScript example
foreach $item (Win32::OLE::in ($world->GetPluginVariableList ("982581e59ab42844527eec80")))
($key, $value) = ($item, $world->GetPluginVariable ("982581e59ab42844527eec80", $item));
$world->note($key . " = " . $value) if (defined ($key));
Python example
variablelist = world.GetPluginVariableList("982581e59ab42844527eec80")
if (variablelist ):
for v in variablelist : world.Note (v + " = " +
world.GetPluginVariable("982581e59ab42844527eec80", v))
Lua example
-- show all variables and their values
for k, v in pairs (GetPluginVariableList("982581e59ab42844527eec80")) do
Note (k, " = ", v)
Lua notes
Under Lua this function returns a table of all variables and their values,
keyed by the variable name.
Thus you can directly access variables from the table, like this:
-- show value for variable "victim" in plugin ID "982581e59ab42844527eec80" ...
print (GetPluginVariableList("982581e59ab42844527eec80").victim)
Return value
If there are no variables then the return value is empty. Use "IsEmpty" to test for this possibility.
If the nominated plugin does not exist, then the return value is NULL. Use "IsNull" to test for this possibility.
Otherwise, it returns a variant array containing the names of all the variables in the specified plugin. Use "ubound" to find the number of variables in the list. You can then use "GetPluginVariable" to find details about each variable.
See Also ...
(BroadcastPlugin) Broadcasts a message to all installed plugins
(CallPlugin) Calls a routine in a plugin
(EnablePlugin) Enables or disables the specified plugin
(GetPluginID) Returns the 24-character ID of the current plugin
(GetPluginInfo) Gets details about a specified plugin
(GetPluginList) Gets a list of installed plugins.
(GetPluginName) Returns the name of the current plugin
(GetPluginTimerInfo) Gets details about a named timer for a specified plugin
(GetPluginTimerList) Gets the list of timers in a specified plugin
(GetPluginVariable) Gets the contents of a variable belonging to a plugin
(GetVariable) Gets the contents of a variable
(GetVariableList) Gets the list of variables
(IsPluginInstalled) Checks to see if a particular plugin is installed
(LoadPlugin) Loads a plugin from disk
(PluginSupports) Checks if a plugin supports a particular routine
(ReloadPlugin) Reloads an installed plugin
(SaveState) Saves the state of the current plugin
(UnloadPlugin) Unloads an installed plugin
(Help topic: function=GetPluginVariableList)