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Gets details about a named timer for a specified plugin


VARIANT GetPluginTimerInfo(BSTR PluginID, BSTR TimerName, short InfoType);

View list of data type meanings


Gets details about the specified timer for the specified plugin.

You can obtain various "types" of information about the timer by specifying an "InfoType". The possible InfoTypes are described under GetTimerInfo.

If the named timer does not exist, EMPTY is returned. If the name given is invalid, NULL is returned. If the InfoType given is out of range, NULL is returned. If the plugin does not exist, NULL is returned. (Use "IsEmpty" and "IsNull" to test for these possibilities).

If you want to find the value of a timer in the current plugin, use "GetTimerInfo".

If you are writing a plugin and want to find "global" MUSHclient timer values, use an empty plugin ID, eg.

world.Note world.GetPlugintimerInfo ("", "my_timer", 1)

Available in MUSHclient version 3.23 onwards.

VBscript example

world.note world.GetPluginTimerInfo ("c8efc9f9e1edd118c6f2dbf5", "my_timer", 2)

Jscript example

world.note(world.GetPluginTimerInfo   ("c8efc9f9e1edd118c6f2dbf5", "my_timer", 2));

PerlScript example

$world->note ($world->GetPluginTimerInfo   ("c8efc9f9e1edd118c6f2dbf5", "my_timer", 2));

Python example

world.note(world.GetPluginTimerInfo   ("c8efc9f9e1edd118c6f2dbf5", "my_timer", 2))

Lua example

Note(GetPluginTimerInfo ("c8efc9f9e1edd118c6f2dbf5", "my_timer", 2))

Lua notes

Lua returns nil where applicable instead of an "empty variant" or "null variant".

Return value

The specified information about the timer, as described above.
An EMPTY variant, if the timer does not exist.
A NULL variant if the timer name is invalid.
A NULL variant if the InfoType is not a valid type.
A NULL variant if the plugin is not installed.

See Also ...




(AddTimer) Adds a timer
(BroadcastPlugin) Broadcasts a message to all installed plugins
(CallPlugin) Calls a routine in a plugin
(DeleteTimer) Deletes a timer
(EnablePlugin) Enables or disables the specified plugin
(GetPluginID) Returns the 24-character ID of the current plugin
(GetPluginInfo) Gets details about a specified plugin
(GetPluginList) Gets a list of installed plugins.
(GetPluginName) Returns the name of the current plugin
(GetPluginTimerList) Gets the list of timers in a specified plugin
(GetPluginVariable) Gets the contents of a variable belonging to a plugin
(GetPluginVariableList) Gets the list of variables in a specified plugin
(GetTimerInfo) Gets details about a timer
(GetTimerList) Gets the list of timers
(IsPluginInstalled) Checks to see if a particular plugin is installed
(LoadPlugin) Loads a plugin from disk
(PluginSupports) Checks if a plugin supports a particular routine
(ReloadPlugin) Reloads an installed plugin
(SaveState) Saves the state of the current plugin
(UnloadPlugin) Unloads an installed plugin

(Help topic: function=GetPluginTimerInfo)

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