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➜ Mysterious empty line being sent from somewhere
Mysterious empty line being sent from somewhere
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Posted by
| 1of10
Canada (54 posts) Bio
| Mon 10 Dec 2001 02:18 AM (UTC) Amended on Mon 10 Dec 2001 02:20 AM (UTC) by 1of10
| Recap from another thread ( ):
"...problem is the AFK command sent from the script is immediatley followed by a single empty line, which cancels the AFK, sometimes sending me into a loop."
I tried the suggestion you mentioned in the other thread
( ). It was no help. For one, I don't think packet debug worked, even though it was shown as enabled. I didn't see anything that looked like a debug message anywhere.
A single empty line is still being sent from somewhere when I call my AFK script. I use an alias regex ^\.goafk(.*)$ to call the script to go AFK, with or without a reason. I use one subroutine to handle going AFK, testing AFK when an idle warning pops up and returning from AFK.
Here's what happens:
- I type .goafk or .goafk test reason .
- Alias calls subroutine GoAFK with the label goafk .
- Script writes a note containing timestamp and notice of going AFK, including any reason.
- Script sets variable vAFK to reason or empty string if none.
- Script sets status line to show AFK set and reason if any.
- Script sends .afk[ reason] , where [ reason] is optional, to the talker server.
- Log files show something sends a single empty line causing the return noted two items down.
- Talker server confirms AFK command.
- Talker server reports returning from AFK.
- Script is triggered on return text to display a note of timestamp and return notice, clear status line and delete vAFK variable.
This is a sample of the output. Script notes begin with a timestamp.
[12:35:04am] AFK
You are now AFK, press <return> to reset.
You are no longer AFK.
[12:35:04am] AFK: Return!
This is a sample of the log file. All text in/out has a timestamp followed by either <= for inbound (to me) or => for outbound (to server). Script notes already have a timestamp.
[12:35:04am] AFK
[00:35:04] =>
[00:35:04] <= You are now AFK, press <return> to reset.
[00:35:04] <= You are no longer AFK.
[12:35:04am] AFK: Return!
It should be noted above that the command sent from within the script is not displayed in the log file.
Below is my GoAFK subroutine, written in Perl.
sub GoAFK {
my($name, $output, $cards) = @_;
my($jAFK, $jCard);
if ($name eq 'goafk') {
$jCard = substr(@{$cards}[0],1);
if ($jCard eq '') {
$world->note(&myTime . " AFK");
$world->setVariable("vAFK", "");
$world->setStatus(" --AFK-- --AFK-- --AFK-- --AFK-- --AFK--");
} else {
$world->note(&myTime . " AFK: $jCard");
$world->setVariable("vAFK", $jCard);
$world->setStatus(" --AFK-- --AFK-- [ $jCard ] --AFK-- --AFK--");
$world->send(".afk $jCard");
} elsif ($name eq 'testafk') {
$jAFK = $world->getVariable("vAFK");
if ($jAFK eq '' || !defined($jAFK)) {
$world->setStatus(" --AFK-- --AFK-- --AFK-- --AFK-- --AFK--");
} else {
$world->setStatus(" --AFK-- --AFK-- [ $jAFK ] --AFK-- --AFK--");
$world->send(".afk $jAFK");
} elsif ($name eq 'afkreturn') {
$world->note(&myTime . " AFK: Return!");
} else {
$world->note(&myTime . " GoAFK: Unknown label/name: $name");
One of Ten
Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix Z03 | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Mon 10 Dec 2001 05:35 AM (UTC) |
| There was a problem with blank lines, see the release notes for version 3.12 ...
1. Fixed a bug where every line you sent to the MUD was inadvertently followed by a blank line. This made it very hard to log into MUDs that prompted for a character name and password, as the password was always blank.
I suggest you download the latest version, and see if that fixes the problem. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| 1of10
Canada (54 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 12 Dec 2001 09:23 AM (UTC) |
| I have the latest version: 3.17. I check the website often for updates. Perhaps two bugs the same? One for typed text, one for script sent text? This is only a problem with a script. If I go AFK on my own, using the talker server command myself, there is no problem. |
One of Ten
Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix Z03 | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Wed 12 Dec 2001 10:02 AM (UTC) |
| Yes, if there was a bug it might be the same one, however when I do the packet debug (see earlier thread) and don't see two newlines, I can't confirm there is a problem.
I repeat my offer that you send me the world file, and tell me what to type, so I can see what is happening. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| 1of10
Canada (54 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Thu 13 Dec 2001 09:51 AM (UTC) |
| I outlined exactly what is done already. Everything is handled by the one script I posted in the original message. I type to call the script to send the command to the talker server.
I will send stripped copies of the world file and script file in an email.
Instructions can be found in the original message. |
One of Ten
Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix Z03 | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #5 on Thu 13 Dec 2001 08:50 PM (UTC) |
| Yes, I see what you mean. It appears that an alias will always send a blank line, so what is happening is that the script does its stuff, then the alias contents (empty in your case) is taken, a newline appended, and then the alias sent.
I have added that as bug #428.
I will have to omit the blank line if the alias output is empty, and hope that this does not affect anyone else who is relying on it. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #6 on Thu 13 Dec 2001 09:20 PM (UTC) |
| While you are waiting for the next version of MUSHclient to be released, I have thought of a work-around for you. :)
Instead of "send" use "queue" to go AFK. ie.
$world->queue(".afk $jCard");
Make sure your "speedwalk" delay is something other than zero.
This will change the order things are done in.
- You type ".goafk"
- The script does: $world->send(".afk $jCard");
- The text ".afk (whatever)" is sent to the MUD
- The blank alias sends a newline
- The newline cancels AFK mode
Now what will happen is:
- You type ".goafk"
- The script does: $world->queue(".afk $jCard");
- The blank alias sends a newline
- The newline does not have much affect
- After a delay (say, one second), the text ".afk (whatever)" is sent to the MUD
- You stay in AFK mode
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| 1of10
Canada (54 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Sat 15 Dec 2001 03:20 PM (UTC) |
| I tried the work-around you suggested, but that didn't help. No error was returned when the script file was reloaded... No error was returned when I intentionally misspelled queue, to see if it would catch it. The queue doesn't appear to do anything at all.
I'll wait for the next version. I've gone this long without a custom AFK command. I can go longer... |
One of Ten
Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix Z03 | Top |
Posted by
| 1of10
Canada (54 posts) Bio
| Reply #8 on Sun 16 Dec 2001 07:49 AM (UTC) |
| I got the queue working. I looked through the function list and discovered the queue command requires two variables: the message and a true/false for output echo. However, it was still no help. The same thing happens using queue as when using send. The only difference is the time delay.
[11:44:31pm] AFK
[23:44:31] =>
[23:44:32] <= You are now AFK, press <return> to reset.
[23:44:34] <= You are no longer AFK.
[11:44:34pm] AFK: Return!
One of Ten
Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix Z03 | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #9 on Sun 16 Dec 2001 10:15 PM (UTC) Amended on Sun 16 Dec 2001 10:16 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| So much for my brilliant idea! :(
It seems the same bug infests the queued command sending, so that the queued command is followed by a final newline.
Looks like you'll need to wait for the bugfix, sorry.
I have amended the bug report to include this problem as well. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| 1of10
Canada (54 posts) Bio
| Reply #10 on Mon 17 Dec 2001 12:04 AM (UTC) |
| Hey, it was a good idea. I'm happy enough that there's a solution in the works. Just knowing eventually my script and custom command will work is good enough for me. MUSHclient is still the best chat/MU* client I've ever used. I'm glad I actually legally registered it. |
One of Ten
Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix Z03 | Top |
Posted by
| 1of10
Canada (54 posts) Bio
| Reply #11 on Sun 12 May 2002 01:16 PM (UTC) |
| I just downloaded 3.20 and tested my AFK script.
I'm VERY pleased to say it works perfectly! Bug #428 has been fixed. :)
You're wonderful! MUSHclient is wonderful! Registering this software was worth it. :)
Thank you. |
One of Ten
Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix Z03 | Top |
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