expands on the existing alias snippet.
at the top of alias.c - add the following block of code
// system level aliases - based on spells given in class files
// Voodoo - 2024
struct alias_struct
char* aliasName;
char* spellName;
// Declaration and initialization of _system_aliases
struct alias_struct _system_aliases[MAX_SYSTEM_ALIASES] =
{ "crli", "cure light"},
{ "crse", "cure serious"},
{ "stsk", "stone skin"},
{ "bles", "bless"},
{ "cali", "cause light"},
{ "curs", "curse"},
//... add more here
void loadSystemAliases(CHAR_DATA* ch)
char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "";
char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
if (!ch)
return; // bad
char* spells[100] = { NULL }; // Initialize array with NULL pointers
int sn = 0;
// loop through class file of character
// make a list of skills
// if any of them match, add an alias
int count = 0;
for (sn = 0; sn < top_sn; sn++)
if (skill_table[sn]->skill_level[ch->class] != 0)
if (skill_table[sn]->type == SKILL_SPELL)
if (ch->pcdata->learned[sn] >= 1)
spells[count] = skill_table[sn]->name;
sprintf(buf, "loadSystemAliases. Found %s's %s", ch->name, spells[count]);
to_channel(buf, CHANNEL_MONITOR, "Debug", LEVEL_IMMORTAL);
int size = sizeof(spells) / sizeof(spells[0]); // Assuming spells is the array of spell names
int i = 0;
while (i < size)
if (spells[i] != NULL)
int j = 0;
if (_system_aliases[j].aliasName != NULL && _system_aliases[j].spellName != NULL)
// Debugging output
// sprintf(buf, "spell name: %s, command name: %s", spells[i], _system_aliases[j].spellName);
// to_channel(buf, CHANNEL_MONITOR, "Debug", LEVEL_IMMORTAL);
// Compare spell name with alias name
if (strcmp(spells[i], _system_aliases[j].spellName) == 0)
// Construct the alias argument
sprintf(arg, "%s cast '%s'", _system_aliases[j].aliasName, _system_aliases[j].spellName);
// Call the do_alias function with the constructed alias argument
do_alias(ch, arg);
,// sprintf(buf, "loadSystemAliases. Making alias: %s.", arg);
// to_channel(buf, CHANNEL_MONITOR, "Debug", LEVEL_IMMORTAL);
in comm.c, inside the nanny function where new characters are created. find this section
if (ch->level == 1)
OBJ_DATA* obj;
add this new function call above the language checks:
loadSystemAliases(ch); // load em up! -Voodoo
if ((iLang = skill_lookup("common")) < 0)
bug("Nanny: cannot find common language.");
ch->pcdata->learned[iLang] = 100;
make clean, make smaug and good luck! |