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 Entire forum ➜ Area Editor

SMAUG/ROM Area Editor - for editing area files.

Note: This area editor was last updated in 2004, and the source code released in 2006.

The format of area files used by SMAUG has changed somewhat since it was written, and thus you can now regard it as unsupported software. You are welcome to use the source code and recompile it yourself if you want to make improvements.

For more information about the Area Editor, see Area Editor description

Topic Description Posts Views
Bug reports Use this forum to report bugs that you might experience in the Area Editor. 97 424,322
General If you can't work out how to get something to work properly, post your question 674 2,310,332
News and updates This forum provides easy access to the latest news and updates for Area Editor. 8 59,278
Suggestions Use this forum to make suggestions for future enhancements in Area Editor. 50 214,040
Tips and tricks This forum describes tips, tricks, and other ideas for getting the most out of Area Editor. 10 62,608

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