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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ ANSI color performance
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Pages: 1
Posted by
| Mudaddict
(8 posts) Bio
| Reply #15 on Thu 06 Apr 2023 03:24 AM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said:
OK, here is my test:
I put a sequence number on the left (test number). As you can see it refreshes so quickly the sequence number for the entire batch of lines just jumps from one to the other. There is no visible scrolling.
This is running version 5.06 under Windows XP.
Exact test code:
require "aardwolf_colors" --
sequence = (sequence or 0) + 1
print (string.rep ("-", 60))
ansi_string = ColoursToANSI(string.rep("@x026/@x227/@x195/@x191/@x085/", 30))
for i=1,100 do Simulate("Seq " .. sequence .. ": " .. i .. " " .. ansi_string.."\r\n") end
print (string.rep ("-", 60))
print ("Sequence", sequence)
The cursor is on the right because it is clicking the Run button. For the last couple of tests I moved the cursor over the text and hit Enter to run the test.
So running these scripts, the rendering is fast. Now I'm wondering if something else is the cause. Wondering if it is indeed network related? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #16 on Thu 06 Apr 2023 10:37 AM (UTC) |
| Well ... Fiendish reported that the script slowed his rendering down. What about you? |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #17 on Thu 06 Apr 2023 11:53 AM (UTC) Amended on Thu 06 Apr 2023 11:54 AM (UTC) by Fiendish
| We may be testing different things. My slowdown happens when scrolling the output after the text has been written. Something is happening there that does not happen when the text is being written in the first place. | | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #18 on Thu 06 Apr 2023 09:07 PM (UTC) |
| I see. Well, here is another test, using the same screen content as the earlier video, but now with me scrolling back and forwards using page-up/page-down and then the mousewheel. The mouse cursor is positioned to the right-hand side of the text.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #19 on Thu 06 Apr 2023 09:54 PM (UTC) |
| You've taken your videos down which is unfortunate as we are still debugging this.
I am wondering if the redraw is slow if you scroll back and forwards (like Fiendish did) or if it is just slow as the text is delivered.
If it is slow in real-time (ie. during a fight) and not when you scroll back and forwards, then perhaps you have a plugin that is analysing the incoming data, and if there are lots of colour changes (and hence lots of style runs) then that is slowing down the plugin. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Mudaddict
(8 posts) Bio
| Reply #20 on Fri 07 Apr 2023 02:01 AM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said:
You've taken your videos down which is unfortunate as we are still debugging this.
I am wondering if the redraw is slow if you scroll back and forwards (like Fiendish did) or if it is just slow as the text is delivered.
If it is slow in real-time (ie. during a fight) and not when you scroll back and forwards, then perhaps you have a plugin that is analysing the incoming data, and if there are lots of colour changes (and hence lots of style runs) then that is slowing down the plugin.
It is slow during a fight, not scrolling. I tried scrolling both the mud text and the script text (with 1000 lines) and no issue at all, page up page down, mouse wheel, drag scrollbar, cursor on left, cursor on right, no issues.
I have no plugins, i have a default installation. I have scripts and triggers and timers, but the slowness happens even without them.
But now I'm wondering if its the mud im on. I tried aardwolf mud and it was fast listing "who".
The mud that is slow that im on is port 8000. | Top |
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