Released on 10 Sep 2010
1. Added plugin Automatic_Backup.xml to the distribution. This backs up your world file every time you connect and disconnect to a "save as" file name with the day/month/year in it. This hopefully reduces the incidence of lost world files due to corruption during saving.
For a bit more detail see:
[Commit 2702f19]
2. Added GetInfo (305).
This returns the date/time when the client started executing. (So you can see how long it has been up).
[Commit 1da3306]
3. Added GetInfo (306).
This returns the date/time when the world was created or opened. That is, if the world was just created, this is the date/time the world document was made. If it is opened (from a saved world file) this is the date/time the world was opened.
It is not the time it was originally created (perhaps weeks ago) but when the world was opened "this session".
[Commit baa6353]
4. Added second argument to trigger/timer/alias/variable filter functions. Since this is a new argument this is backwards compatible with earlier versions.
The second argument is a table, which will contain relevant details about the current item we are filtering on. This make writing filter scripts simpler, for example:
function filter (name, t)
return t.send_to == sendto.script
end -- filter
The old method would have been to write:
function filter (name)
return GetAliasInfo (name, 18) == sendto.script
end -- filter
The keywords you can use are as documented for ImportXML on this page:
In addition, some run-time data can be returned, as follows:
"execution_error" // GetAliasInfo (28) *
"execution_time" // GetAliasInfo (30) *
"included" // GetAliasInfo (15)
"invocation_count" // GetAliasInfo (10)
"last_match" // GetAliasInfo (25) *
"match_attempts" // GetAliasInfo (31) *
"match_count" // GetAliasInfo (24) *
"script_valid" // GetAliasInfo (27)
"temporary" // GetAliasInfo (14)
"times_matched" // GetAliasInfo (11)
"when_matched" // GetAliasInfo (13) *
"invocation_count" // GetTriggerInfo (20)
"times_matched" // GetTriggerInfo (21)
"when_matched" // GetTriggerInfo (22) *
"temporary" // GetTriggerInfo (23)
"included" // GetTriggerInfo (24)
"match_count" // GetTriggerInfo (31) *
"last_match" // GetTriggerInfo (32) *
"script_valid" // GetTriggerInfo (34)
"execution_error" // GetTriggerInfo (35) *
"execution_time" // GetTriggerInfo (37) *
"match_attempts" // GetTriggerInfo (38) *
"invocation_count" // GetTimerInfo (9)
"times_fired" // GetTimerInfo (10)
"when_fired" // GetTimerInfo (11) *
"temporary" // GetTimerInfo (14)
"included" // GetTimerInfo (18)
"script_valid" // GetTimerInfo (26)
Fields marked * may not be present (ie. be nil) under some circumstances (eg. regular expression failure).
"contents" // variable contents
[Commit 83b2dd3, 9c65986]
5. Updated Example_filters.lua (suggested trigger/timer/alias filters) to use the new filtering method described above.
[Commit c26cacd]
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