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Matches a regexp to a string, applying a function


result = re:gmatch (string, fun, count, flags)


The gmatch function:

  • Tries to match the regex re against string up to count times (or as many as possible if count is either not given or is not a positive number), subject to execution flags "flags".

  • Each time there is a match, fun is called as fun (m, t), where m is the matched string and t is a table of substring matches (this table contains false in the positions where the corresponding sub-pattern did not match.).

  • If fun returns a true value, then gmatch immediately returns.

  • gmatch returns the number of matches made.

re = ("(\[A-Za-z\]+)")
n = re:gmatch ("Nick goes East", function (m, t) print (m) end )
print (n) --> 3

Output from function during execution:


See Also ...

Lua functions

re:exec - Matches a regexp to a string, returning offsets
re:match - Matches a regexp to a string
rex.flags - Returns a table of PCRE flags - Compiles a regular expression


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(Help topic: lua=re:gmatch)

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