Search path used for loading DLLs using the "require" function
This is a string containing the search path used for loading DLLs when using the "require" function. Default values are:
In the above, the package name (eg. "socket") will replace the "?" characters and the current executable pathname (eg. "c:\mushclient") will replace the "!" characters.
See Also ...
Lua functions
package.config - Package configuration string
package.loaded - Table of loaded packages
package.loaders - Table of package loaders
package.loadlib - Loads a dynamic link library (DLL)
package.path - Search path used for loading Lua code using the "require" function
package.preload - A table of special function loaders
package.seeall - Sets a metatable for the module so it can see global variables
Lua base functions
Lua bc (big number) functions
Lua bit manipulation functions
Lua coroutine functions
Lua debug functions
Lua io functions
Lua LPEG library
Lua math functions
Lua os functions
Lua package functions
Lua PCRE regular expression functions
Lua script extensions
Lua string functions
Lua syntax
Lua table functions
Lua utilities
Scripting callbacks - plugins
(Help topic: lua=package.cpath)