Script function
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Returns a count of the total changes to the database
long DatabaseTotalChanges(BSTR DbName);
View list of data type meanings
This function returns the number of row changes caused by INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements since the database connection was opened. The count includes all changes from all trigger contexts. However, the count does not include changes used to implement REPLACE constraints, do rollbacks or ABORT processing, or DROP table processing. The changes are counted as soon as the statement that makes them is completed (when the statement handle is passed to DatabaseReset or DatabaseFinalize).
Available in MUSHclient version 4.40 onwards.
Lua example
changes = DatabaseTotalChanges ("db")
Return value
A positive integer, or zero, indicating the count of changes.
-1 : Database id not found
-2 : Database not open
See Also ...
Database (SQLite)
Lua SQLite (database) interface
(DatabaseChanges) Returns a count of the changes to the database by the most recent SQL statement
(DatabaseClose) Closes an SQLite database
(DatabaseColumnName) Find the name of a specified column returned by an SQL statement
(DatabaseColumnNames) Return a table of all the columns returned by an SQL statement
(DatabaseColumns) Find how many columns will be returned by an SQL statement
(DatabaseColumnText) Returns the contents of an SQL column, as text
(DatabaseColumnType) Returns the type of data in an SQL column
(DatabaseColumnValue) Returns the contents of an SQL column, as text, float, integer, or null
(DatabaseColumnValues) Returns the contents of all the SQL columns after a step
(DatabaseError) Returns an English string describing the most recent SQL error
(DatabaseExec) Executes SQL code against an SQLite database
(DatabaseFinalize) Finalizes (wraps up) a previously-prepared SQL statement
(DatabaseGetField) Returns a single field from an SQL database
(DatabaseInfo) Returns information about a database
(DatabaseLastInsertRowid) Returns the most recently automatically allocated database key
(DatabaseList) Lists all databases
(DatabaseOpen) Opens an SQLite database
(DatabasePrepare) Prepares an SQL statement for execution
(DatabaseReset) Resets a previously-prepared SQL statement to the start
(DatabaseStep) Executes a previously-prepared SQL statement
(Help topic: function=DatabaseTotalChanges)