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This dialog shows a list of MUSHclient script functions, optionally filtered to a subset by the Filter edit box.

Select a function name, and click OK to see the help for that function. Alternatively, double-click the function name.


Type a word into this box to show a subset of the functions that partially match the filter word (eg. "trigger").


Click to show help on the selected function.


Click to copy the name of the selected function to the Clipboard, and close the dialog box.


Click to show the help for the Lua-specific functions.

See Also ...




Multi-line Edit


(AddFont) Adds a custom font for use by MUSHclient
(Base64Decode) Takes a base-64 encoded string and decodes it.
(Base64Encode) Encodes a string using base-64 encoding.
(BlendPixel) Blends a single pixel with another, using a specified blending mode
(ChangeDir) Changes the MUSHclient working directory
(CreateGUID) Creates a GUID - Global Unique Identifier
(EditDistance) Returns the Levenshtein Edit Distance between two words
(ErrorDesc) Converts a MUSHclient script error code into an human-readable description
(ExportXML) Exports a world item in XML format
(FilterPixel) Performs a filtering operation on one pixel
(FixupEscapeSequences) Converts "escape sequences" like \t to their equivalent codes.
(FixupHTML) Fixes up text for writing as HTML
(FlashIcon) Flashes the MUSHclient icon on the Windows taskbar
(GenerateName) Generates a random character name
(GetClipboard) Gets the clipboard contents
(GetScriptTime) Returns the amount of time spent in script routines
(GetSoundStatus) Gets the status of a sound started by PlaySound
(GetUniqueID) Creates a unique ID for general use, or for making Plugin IDs
(GetUniqueNumber) Returns a unique number
(Hash) Produces a hash (checksum) of a specified piece of text
(Help) Shows help for a script function, or a list of functions
(ImportXML) Imports configuration data in XML format
(Menu) Creates a pop-up menu inside the command window
(Metaphone) Returns the metaphone code for the supplied word
(MoveMainWindow) Move and resize the main MUSHclient window
(MoveWorldWindow) Move and resize a world window
(MoveWorldWindowX) Move and resize a specific world window
(MtRand) Returns pseudo-random number using the Mersenne Twister algorithm
(MtSrand) Seed the Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator
(PlaySound) Plays a sound using DirectSound
(ReadNamesFile) Loads in a file for generating character names
(Replace) Replaces one substring with another
(SetBackgroundColour) Sets a background colour for the output window
(SetBackgroundImage) Sets a background image for the output window
(SetClipboard) Sets the clipboard contents
(SetForegroundImage) Sets a foreground image for the output window
(SetMainTitle) Sets the main output window title
(SetSelection) Sets a selection range in the output window
(SetStatus) Sets the status line text
(SetTitle) Sets the world window title
(SetToolBarPosition) Sets the position of the game toolbars on the screen.
(SetUnseenLines) Sets the number of "unseen lines" for this world
(ShiftTabCompleteItem) Adds an item to the list shown for Shift+Tab completion
(Simulate) Simulate input from the MUD, for debugging purposes
(Sound) Plays a sound
(StopSound) Stop playing a sound started by PlaySound
(StripANSI) Strips ANSI colour sequences from a string
(Trace) Trace mode property
(TraceOut) Outputs the supplied message to the world Trace
(TranslateDebug) Sends a debugging message to the localizing translator script
(TranslateGerman) Translate German umluat sequences
(Transparency) Sets the transparency of the main MUSHclient window under Windows XP
(Trim) Trims leading and trailing spaces from a string

(Help topic: dialog=IDD_FUNCTION_LIST)

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