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➜ MUSHclient
➜ Lua
➜ complex maths thing
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Pages: 1
Posted by
| Humiliation
(12 posts) Bio
| Reply #15 on Sat 14 Apr 2007 11:14 AM (UTC) |
| SORTED. A couple of the signs were were wrong (> instead of < - instead of +). works like a dream now | Top |
Posted by
| Isthiriel
(113 posts) Bio
| Reply #16 on Sat 14 Apr 2007 02:29 PM (UTC) |
| Part of your problem is that Shaun Biggs in his first post skipped over some of your explanation when he was writing the code :(
Quote: And just to make it even more complicated i forgot to add after multiplying it by 300 if it is above 75 we minus 75 from it then minus that number from 75 and if it is below we minus it from 75 then add 75. And then round it to the nearest whole number. If that makes sense...
Ok, breaking this up into pseudo-code:
temp1 is our number after multiplying by 300
if temp1 > 75:
temp2 = temp1 - 75
temp3 = 75 - temp2
if temp1 < 75:
temp2 = 75 - temp1
temp3 = temp2 + 75
tempf = round(temp3)
Note that in the case of temp1 == 75, nothing is done.
If we examine the maths a bit more, it turns out that if temp1 > 75 then temp3 = 75 - (temp1 - 75) => temp3 = 75 - temp1 + 75 => temp3 = 150 - temp1.
We already know the temp1 < 75 case devolves to temp3 = 150 - temp1 from one of the earlier posts, so out pseudocode should actually be:
temp1 is our number after multiplying by 300
tempf = round(150 - temp1)
HTH. | Top |
Posted by
| Shaun Biggs
USA (644 posts) Bio
| Reply #17 on Sat 14 Apr 2007 06:25 PM (UTC) |
| ok, now that I've had a bit of time to think about this and I don't have any alcohol in my system...
vars = { var1="%1", var2="%2", var3="%3", var4="%4" }
divisor = 300 / ( "%1" + "%2" + "%3" + "%4" )
for i,v in pairs(vars) do
temp = v * divisor
if temp > 75 then
temp = (temp - 75) - 75
if temp < 75 then
temp = (75 - temp ) + 75
if temp < 0 then
temp = math.ceil( temp - 0.5 )
temp = math.floor( temp + 0.5 )
SetVariable( i, temp )
end -- loop
The main issue with the actual math is that how you tried stating what the logic is just is way too ambiguous. Seems like one of those things that are easier to think about than to explain. The best way to start explaining in this situation is to break it down into smaller chunks instead of trying to get the whole process out in one statement with no punctuation. Also breaking it down into sections that you can easily refer back to would help.
Quote: And just to make it even more complicated i forgot to add after multiplying it by 300 if it is above 75 we minus 75 from it then minus that number from 75 and if it is below we minus it from 75 then add 75. And then round it to the nearest whole number. If that makes sense...
Could be easier to read in this format:
1) sum = sum of v1,v2,v3, and v4
2) temp = var / sum * 300
3) if temp at stage 2 is ___ then temp should be temp - 75 etc. |
It is much easier to fight for one's ideals than to live up to them. | Top |
Posted by
| Shaun Biggs
USA (644 posts) Bio
| Reply #18 on Sat 14 Apr 2007 08:40 PM (UTC) |
| This thread does remind of a question I had earlier. Is there a nice easy way to get Lua to have a table of all the wildcards in an alias or trigger without having to pass it to a script in the world file? That would make a few of my scripts a bit easier to deal with. |
It is much easier to fight for one's ideals than to live up to them. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #19 on Sat 14 Apr 2007 09:13 PM (UTC) |
| |
Posted by
| Isthiriel
(113 posts) Bio
| Reply #20 on Sun 15 Apr 2007 06:54 AM (UTC) |
Quote:if temp > 75 then
temp = (temp - 75) - 75
If we simplify this we get temp = temp - 150. Since temp can presumably be 76, we end up with a negative again.
Seriously, the if checks are redundant. temp = 150 - temp is what he's looking for based on the explanation he gave.
It helps if you replace the word "minus" with "subtract" as appropriate in the explanation, ie: if it is above 75 we subtract 75 from it (temp) then subtract that number (temp - 75) from 75 (75 - (temp - 75) = 150 - temp) and if it is below ( if temp < 75) we subtract it from 75 (75 - temp) then add 75 ((75 - temp) + 75 = 150 - temp).
Humiliation, how did you come up with this math in the first place? | Top |
Posted by
| Shaun Biggs
USA (644 posts) Bio
| Reply #21 on Sun 15 Apr 2007 08:59 AM (UTC) Amended on Sun 15 Apr 2007 09:04 AM (UTC) by Shaun Biggs
| I'm pretty sure I get the basic idea about what the math is supposed to do. I just don't know where the difference between how Humiliation has in in his head and how we have it in our head is. I think it's supposed to change the value to be closer to 75 than it originally is, similar to how tiered damage reduction works after a certain cap in a diku mud.
if damage > 80 then
damage = ( (damage - 80) * 0.75 ) + 80
or something similar to that effect. That way the higher damage is reduced a bit to cut back on everyone one hitting each other, and you still have the higher damage doing more damage as it increases. |
It is much easier to fight for one's ideals than to live up to them. | Top |
Posted by
| Isthiriel
(113 posts) Bio
| Reply #22 on Tue 17 Apr 2007 02:52 AM (UTC) |
| Except that the larger the individual skill numbers are, the smaller the resultant number is.
temp = 300 * (0.5 - (skill / sum_skills))
Which means either that "high skill" is actually represented by a small number OR the result number is actually something he wants to minimize (chance to miss?).
Since it is relativized (by the / sum_skills), having all your skills equal will get the same end results irrespective of the actual skill values. AND if any one skill makes up more than half of the total skills (ie 40, 10, 10, 10) it will go negative again. | Top |
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