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GMCP Health/Combat Bar

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Posted by Xinefus   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Sat 09 May 2020 02:10 PM (UTC)
Hello! I'm back at it again.

I have been playing around with things and have been able to get my MUD to provide me with a bunch of information!

char.vitals {"cur_hp": 33, "max_hp": 37, "cur_mana": 105, "max_mana": 105, "cur_move": 105, "max_move": 110, "align": 0}
GMCP: char.vitals
char.combat {"cur_hp": 39, "max_hp": 44}
GMCP: char.combat

Note that char.combat only shows up while in combat.

I have been reading an old thread: and wondering how to adapt this to my situation. Now, I have not seemingly been able to get the enemies name to work yet, but let's take this one step at a time.

The first thing I notice about this is that it is using a different gmcp handler and that OnPluginBroadcast isn't the same as the one in

Could someone help me to troubleshoot this so I can at least get a generic version of this working?

Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #1 on Sat 09 May 2020 03:34 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 09 May 2020 03:36 PM (UTC) by Fiendish

I have been reading an old thread:

That thread predates GMCP. Aardwolf used to use (still has them, actually, but I hate them) special optional text tags that you could look for, trigger on, and then erase from your output, instead of the much nicer from my perspective GMCP messages that build in hierarchical structure and don't have to be hidden.

In that thread, OnPluginBroadcast is not listening for a message from a GMCP plugin, it's listening for a broadcast from a different kind of plugin that parses those old tags and fills in some variables by text parsing. (Pro tip: any plugin can send a broadcast by calling BroadcastPlugin, even yours, and every other plugin will see it if they have an OnPluginBroadcast defined.) So what you need to do is ignore the beginning of that thread that says to download those other two files (you don't need them for GMCP) and then replace that OnPluginBroadcast function with one that pulls the values you want out of the stats message that you know has just arrived.

Posted by Xinefus   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Sat 09 May 2020 04:28 PM (UTC)
Thanks Fiendish, that makes a lot more sense.

So, I was previously able to make a healthbar that uses the info from my previous post, but I can make a bar that has char.vitals, and one that has char.combat.
Within GMCP_message_receiver_test.xml I'm not very familiar with how the 'handler function' work. How do I call a variable from both char.vitals and char.combat so I can use it in a bar in a single function like the one I'm trying to create?

Posted by Xinefus   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Sat 09 May 2020 04:35 PM (UTC)
That wasn't a lot of info to go on I suppose..

I have the info coming in from OnPluginBroadcast in a json format (as you can see in OP). The GMCP_message_receiver_test plugin creates a bunch of functions from handler (result) such as

handlers = {
  ["char.vitals"]           = gotCharacterVitals,
  ["char.stats"]            = gotCharacterStats,
  ["char.combat"]           = gotCharacterCombat,

How do I use something from char.vitals and char.combat in a function like draw_bar () in the original quoted 'old' thread?

Posted by Xinefus   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Sat 09 May 2020 08:18 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 09 May 2020 08:19 PM (UTC) by Xinefus

I'm going to keep adding info/questions as I try to clarify what I want or what I have envisioned in my mind.

I would like a 'dynamic' miniwindow/bar. Dynamic in the sense that it will update and change when in and out of combat. Enemy name will update when in combat, and it will default to 'Enemy' and be 'greyed-out' when not in combat(same for enemy hp bar).

In the 'title' part, I want to be able to have combat information. For the MUD I want to finally do the changes on, there is a focus counter when in combat, meaning it counts up when combat begins. There is also a spell timer (how long until spell is cast, counting down) that I would like to have appear while in combat, and then just show experience or tnl when not.

The thing that I believe is confusing me is how OnPluginBroadcast is giving me information. I don't quite understand what it means when it is putting each of my JSON msg into different 'functions'. How would I be able to get OnPluginBroadcast put all my information in a space that I could pull variables from it such as:

char.vitals.cur_hp and char.combat.cur_hp to be used in the same miniwindow/bar? Or even other variables for that matter, such as char.status.max_str, or, etc.

I really like the look of a miniwindow/bar that I can set the size and position, I tried using infobars, they are really nice, but I'm not super keen on how they can only be placed in the grid and not move them around.

Thanks for your help in this!

Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #5 on Sun 10 May 2020 06:18 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 10 May 2020 06:28 AM (UTC) by Fiendish

Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about this variant of the GMCP handler plugin. The one I use for Aardwolf does the JSON parsing for you. That one leaves it up to the receiver, which means that ever receiver needs to re-parse the message again if multiple plugins want to use the same messages.

I think you might be happier using my version. Here is the one I use for Aardwolf with some minor edits to remove anything overtly Aardwolf-specific (hopefully it still works!):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
   purpose="Handle GMCP messages and broadcast data"
   date_written="2010-08-02 14:16:26"
<description trim="y">

Aardwolf-style GMCP Handler

Purpose is to process incoming GMCP messages, notify other plugins
of arrival of new data, and make that data accessible.

For Mushclient specific information on how to access GMCP data, see:



   match="^gmcpdebug (.*)?$"

   match="sendgmcp *"


<!--  Get our standard constants -->


require "json"
require "serialize"
require "gmcphelper"

local IAC, SB, SE, DO = 0xFF, 0xFA, 0xF0, 0xFD
local GMCP = 201
local GMCPDebug = tonumber(GetVariable("GMCPDebug")) or 0

-- You can use CallPlugin to access any gmcp data via this function.
-- example:
--   local ret, datastring = CallPlugin("3e7dedbe37e44942dd46d264", "gmcpdata_as_string", "char.status")
--   pcall(loadstring("status_table = "..datastring))
--   for k,v in pairs(status_table) do
--      print(k,":",v)
--   end
function gmcpdata_as_string(what)
   return serialize.save_simple(gmcpdata_at_level(what) or "")

-- toggle debug output
function gmcpdebug(name, line, wildcards)
   local newval = tonumber(wildcards[1])
   if not newval or newval > 2 or newval < 0 then
      ColourNote("#FFAF00", "", "GMCPDebug valid values are: 0 - off, 1 - simple, 2 - verbose")
   GMCPDebug = newval
   local msg = "off"
   if GMCPDebug == 1 then
      msg = "simple"
   elseif GMCPDebug == 2 then
      msg = "verbose"
   ColourNote ("#FFAF00", "", "GMCPDebug: " .. msg)

function GMCP_send(what)
   if what == nil then
      print("GMCP_send passed a nil message.")

   SendPkt (string.char (IAC, SB, GMCP) ..
           (string.gsub (what, "\255", "\255\255")) ..  -- IAC becomes IAC IAC
            string.char (IAC, SE))

function GMCP_Alias (name, line, wildcards)

function OnPluginTelnetSubnegotiation (msg_type, data)
   if msg_type ~= GMCP then
   end -- if not GMCP

   if GMCPDebug > 0 then ColourNote ("#FFAF00", "", utils.utf8convert(data)) end

   message, params = string.match (data, "([%a.]+)%s+(.*)")

   if not message then
   end -- if

   if not string.match (params, "^[%[{]") then
      params =  "[" .. params .. "]"  -- JSON hack, make msg first element of an array. (I don't think this is needed - fiendish)
   end -- if

   local succ, t = pcall(json.decode,params)

   if succ and type(t) == "table" then
      gmcpdata = gmcpdata or {}

      -- find where to insert the new data
      local node = gmcpdata
      local prev_node = nil
      local prev_item = ""
      for next_item in string.gmatch(message,"%a+") do
         node[next_item] = node[next_item] or {}
         prev_node = node
         prev_item = next_item
         node = node[next_item]

      -- A loveletter.
      -- Some GMCP messages are just messages, not state. The "current" message isn't a meaningful
      -- concept except in the exact moment it arrives, for example (though most recent might be).
      -- Since room.area is not sent automatically, and is only ever sent in response to a request,
      -- having seen a room.area message tells you only what the area details were for the area your
      -- character was in at the time the request was processed, but has no relation to where you are
      -- after or even to the area your character was in when the request was sent and especially not
      -- to the actual transition from one area to the next. If you run 5e through an area entrance,
      -- you would be 5 rooms deep into a new area before that area info arrives back to you, with
      -- mismatching area info the whole way in.
      -- (You send run 5e, you go e, new area in triggers sending request for room.area, you go 4e,
      -- room.area request seen by game, room.area response sent back, room.area response seen by client)
      -- If you had also run back out of the area, then you'd also be receiving room.area information
      -- after five moves for an area you are no longer in.
      -- I do this next part for your own good.
      if (message == "") then
         gmcpdata["room"] = {}
         prev_node = gmcpdata["room"]

      prev_node[prev_item] = t

      if GMCPDebug > 1 then
         print ("gmcpdata serialized: " .. gmcpdata_as_string(""))
      BroadcastPlugin(1, message)
      ColourNote("white","red","GMCP DATA ERROR: "..t)
   end  -- if

end -- function OnPluginTelnetSubnegotiation

function gmcpdata_at_level(what)
   local node = gmcpdata
   for level in string.gmatch(what, "%a+") do
      if (type(node) ~= "table" or node[level] == nil) then return end
      node = node[level]
   return node

function OnPluginSaveState()
   SetVariable("GMCPDebug", GMCPDebug)

function OnPluginTelnetRequest (msg_type, data)
   if msg_type == GMCP and data == "WILL" then
      return true
   end -- if

   if msg_type == GMCP and data == "SENT_DO" then
      -- This hard-coded block may need to be made into a config table as we add more message types.
      Send_GMCP_Packet (string.format ('Core.Hello { "client": "MUSHclient", "version": "%s" }', Version()))
      Send_GMCP_Packet ('Core.Supports.Set [ "Char 1", "Comm 1", "Room 1" ]')

      return true
   end -- if GMCP login needed (just sent DO)

   return false
end -- function OnPluginTelnetRequest

function OnPluginDisable()
   EnablePlugin(GetPluginID(), true)
   ColourNote("white", "blue", "You are not allowed to disable the "..
   GetPluginInfo(GetPluginID(), 1).." plugin. It is necessary for other plugins.")


If you use that along with this helper file (it goes in your MUSHclient/lua folder)

Then you'll be able to follow my instructions for how to use GMCP:

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Sun 10 May 2020 06:52 AM (UTC)
Xinefus said:


handlers = {
  ["char.vitals"]           = gotCharacterVitals,
  ["char.stats"]            = gotCharacterStats,
  ["char.combat"]           = gotCharacterCombat,

How do I use something from char.vitals and char.combat in a function like draw_bar () in the original quoted 'old' thread?

The original health bar plugin worked like this:

  • Have a trigger which waits for a prompt (with the HP and mana in it)
  • That trigger redraws the health bar with the new information

So all you have to do is:

  • Have a function which is called when the GMCP data tells you that the HP and mana have changed (gotCharacterStats above)
  • That function redraws the health bar with the new information

It's basically the same process but more reliable because you don't need to trigger on an exact prompt line.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Xinefus   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Sun 10 May 2020 10:34 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 10 May 2020 05:31 PM (UTC) by Xinefus

Edit: Moved to my original GMCP thread as it was about getting GMCP enabled.

Posted by Xinefus   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #8 on Sun 10 May 2020 01:40 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 10 May 2020 05:30 PM (UTC) by Xinefus

Alright, I have a small bug in my attempt to replicate what Fiendish has here:

This is my plugin:

function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)

    -- Look for GMCP handler.
    if (id == '3e7dedbe37e44942dd46d264') then
        if (text == "char.vitals") then
            gmcp_vitals = gmcp("char.vitals")
            cur_hp = gmcp_vitals.cur_hp
        elseif (text == "char.stats") then
            gmcp_stats = gmcp("char.stats")
        elseif (text == "char.combat") then
            gmcp_combat = gmcp("char.combat")
    print("hp is ", cur_hp)

But in MUSHclient I get:

<49hp 145m 110mv> <#10308> 
hp is  49
hp is  49

It is spitting out the number twice... I don't know why it is doing this.

Edit: I got this working! It was an oversight within OnPluginEnable ().

Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #9 on Sun 10 May 2020 06:02 PM (UTC)

Posted by Xinefus   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #10 on Sun 10 May 2020 07:57 PM (UTC)
So, I can make the numbers show up but I can't seem to draw a bar.

Here is what I have:
I am using the HP Bar miniwindow plugin from: and have taken out the triggers in lieu of OnPluginBroadcast, but it doesn't look like I've done it right.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #11 on Mon 11 May 2020 06:00 AM (UTC)
What I would normally do here is add some debugging. Make sure you are getting what you think you are getting.

function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)
  -- Look for GMCP handler.
  if (id == '3e7dedbe37e44942dd46d264') then
     print ("Got OnPluginBroadcast with text", text)
     if (text == "char.vitals" or text == "char.stats" or text == "char.combat") then
        if text == "char.vitals" then
          charvitals = gmcp("char.vitals")
          print("Current HP is:", charvitals.cur_hp) -- print hp out
        elseif text == "char.stats" then
          charstats = gmcp("char.stats")
          charcombat = gmcp("char.combat")
        require "tprint"
        print ("--- charvitals ---")
        tprint (charvitals)
        print ("--- charstats ---")
        tprint (charstats)
        print ("--- charcombat ---")
        tprint (charcombat)
        if charvitals and charstats and charcombat then
          draw_bar () -- send to draw_bar

- Nick Gammon,

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