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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Python ➜ Problems on python install.

Problems on python install.

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Posted by Ekaterina   (4 posts)  Bio
Date Thu 16 Sep 2010 12:31 PM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 16 Sep 2010 12:33 PM (UTC) by Ekaterina

I'm running Vista 64bit, and I'm having trouble installing python properly, and getting mushclient to accept it as a scripting language. I downloaded ActivePython, the 32 bit version, installed, downloaded pywin32-214, when I tried to run setup it told me to to use python -q install, which I did and I recieve an error "error: unable to find vcvarsall.bat", more research suggested that I use a c compiler, MinGW to do the install, as a work around for the problem, however mingw give me the error "can't find a version in windows.h" I also ran C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\client\ Windows prompts for permission, and it says registering python, and seems to work.

The error from mushclient:
Error -2147221164 occurred when loading scripting engine:
Class not registered

The VcV solution(MinGW)

Forum Posts Read/Related:
Python installation instructions

I have had Mushclient and Python scripting working on THIS computer before, same operating system and everything, and the install was not nearly this annoying. I feel like I'm on a wild goose chase installing a second compiler, and I'm not really sure what there is left to do but continue down that rabbit hole. Help is greatly appreciated.

Posted by Worstje   Netherlands  (899 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Thu 16 Sep 2010 02:36 PM (UTC)
I think ActivePython is supposed to be all containing, but I don't use that package myself.

I use the plain 'official' Python 2.6 for Windows, then get myself pywin32 for Python 2.6, and make sure I install those with the proper permissions.

Beyond that, I'm not exactly sure what is wrong. If you have run that file (also with proper 'elevated' permissions), it should simply work.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #2 on Thu 16 Sep 2010 10:51 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry I can't help more. Last time I looked at Python I thought "I have to do *what* do get it to work?".

Can you revert back to the version that was working? That is all I can suggest.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Ekaterina   (4 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Thu 16 Sep 2010 11:01 PM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 16 Sep 2010 11:50 PM (UTC) by Ekaterina

I re-formated since then, so I can't revert, I'm going to try installing python from the main page, which I have done but I was running 3.x, gonna install 2.7 and try again.

I should be installing the 32 bit version of python, even though I'm running a 64 bit system, because mushclient is 32 bit, yes?

Posted by Hurriedcorgi   USA  (6 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Mon 20 Aug 2012 11:39 AM (UTC)
I've tried following every different instruction and still end up with this error

Error number: -2147467259
Event: setting site
Description: Error -2147467259 occurred when setting site:

Unspecified error

Called by:

Hope someone can figure out why so many of us are having this issue :/

Posted by Septe   USA  (9 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Fri 31 Jan 2014 08:18 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 31 Jan 2014 08:39 PM (UTC) by Septe

I've tried every version, 3.3 down to 2.4. The fact is, 2.4 is the only version that works. Don't try any versions higher than Python 2.4.4. 2.4.4 is the only python version that comes with a windows installer. I spent all morning, trying various versions. In the versions above 2.4, failed due to inability to import a dll.

Unfortunately, I don't know enough to even attempt a fix for higher versions.

I hope this helps settle the python version question.

P.S. I copied the python script dealing with multi world examples using all of the various script engines. It worked!!! I am so happy.

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