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 Entire forum ➜ Area Editor ➜ Suggestions ➜ Request for Area Editor Features

Request for Area Editor Features

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Posted by Capella   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Sat 03 Jul 2004 03:47 AM (UTC)
Hello there :)

Thanks for Area Editor, I have been using the registered
version now for several years. One feature I really really
wish it had, is a backup and forward button, much like
windows explorer has. I spend a lot of time in working in
the smaug help file, and do a lot of copying and pasting.

However, scrolling up through the help list to find a
help entry that i want to copy for example, to paste into
a new entry way way down at the bottom of the help entries,
is very time consuming.

Is there anyway you could make a feature so you could
return to the previous entry you had highlighted by using
forward and backward buttons please?

Second, is there any way you could make the add new item
button work without having to first scroll up to the top
of the area, down one to help, before you can activate
the add new help from the menu bar ? Sure would be nice to make a new help entry from the bottom of that list ;)

Also, i notice when in the help entries, that the copy,
paste, and cut buttons are not activated at all. I cannot
use them when working in the help files because they are not activated. Only the delete icon feature seems to work.

I hate to be a pest, but perhaps I am looking forward to
a newer version in which these are working ! :)

Last of all, thankyou so very much for a wonderful editor!


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Sat 03 Jul 2004 09:34 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the compliments! You have some nice new ideas for improvements. :)


However, scrolling up through the help list to find a
help entry that i want to copy for example, to paste into
a new entry way way down at the bottom of the help entries,
is very time consuming.

It shouldn't be *that* time-consuming. For one thing you can "find" an entry fairly quickly, if you know its name. Then to go back to the bottom put the focus on the tree view and hit the "End" button on the keyboard.


Second, is there any way you could make the add new item
button work without having to first scroll up to the top
of the area, down one to help, before you can activate
the add new help from the menu bar?

Yes, good point. For now if you hit the "Home" key to scroll the tree view back to the top, then click with the mouse on "Helps" then type Ctrl+A to add a new help, is about as fast as it will get.

Another idea would be to make a batch of new helps in a text editor and simply edit those. (eg. help1, help2, help3, help4 and so on). Then use "find" to get them back.


Also, i notice when in the help entries, that the copy,
paste, and cut buttons are not activated at all. I cannot
use them when working in the help files because they are not activated. Only the delete icon feature seems to work.

If you right-click then you will see a copy/cut/paste/select all menu. You can use that.

Also if you click on the Edit button (Alt+period) then Ctrl+C etc. works in the normal way in the expanded view. This is probably a better way to work anyway as you can see column 80 better.

Your comments have been added as suggestion #518.

- Nick Gammon,

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