<!-- Script -->
background_colour = 0xE7FFFF
text_colour = 0x000000
heading_colour = 0x800080
time_colour = 0x82004B
quest_info = {}
require "serialize"
require "commas"
require "var"
function quest_handed_in (name, line, wildcards)
Send "pq time"
next_quest_time = os.time () + (30 * 60) -- 30 mins to go
quest_info = {}
show_quest_text ()
end -- quest_handed_in
function quest_time_to_go (name, line, wildcards)
local mins = tonumber (wildcards [1])
if mins then
next_quest_time = os.time () + mins * 60
next_quest_time = nil
end -- if
quest_info = {}
show_quest_text ()
end -- quest_time_to_go
function quest_available (name, line, wildcards)
next_quest_time = os.time ()
quest_info = {}
show_quest_text ()
end -- quest_available
function quest_done (name, line, wildcards)
quest_info = { "Quest complete - go hand it in." }
max_width = WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, quest_info [1])
show_quest_text ()
end -- quest_done
function start_questor_stuff (name, line, wildcards)
check (EnableTrigger ("questor_line", true))
check (EnableTrigger ("questor_end", true))
quest_info = {}
max_width = 0
var.questor = wildcards [1]
end -- start_questor_stuff
function questor_line (name, line, wildcards)
local text = wildcards [1]
if string.match (text, "* says 'Thank you, brave *!' ") then
end -- if
if string.match (text, "May the gods go with you! ") then
end -- if
table.insert (quest_info, text )
max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, text))
end -- questor_line
function Display_Line (line, text, id, colour)
local left = 5
local top = (line - 1) * font_height
WindowText (win, id, text, left, top, 0, 0, colour)
end -- Display_Line
function show_when_quest_available ()
local time_to_go = next_quest_time - os.time ()
if time_to_go <= 0 then
text = "You are not currently on a quest!"
text = string.format ("Time until next quest: %s", convert_time (time_to_go))
end -- if
max_width = WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, text)
-- recreate the window the correct size
WindowCreate (win,
0, 0, -- left, top (auto-positions)
max_width + 10, -- width
font_height + 5, -- height
7, -- auto-position: top middle
0, -- flags
Display_Line (1, text, font_id, time_colour)
WindowShow (win, true)
end -- show_when_quest_available
function show_quest_text ()
if #quest_info == 0 and
next_quest_time then
show_when_quest_available ()
end -- one available now/soon
-- do nothing if no quest
if #quest_info == 0 or when_required == nil then
end -- if
-- recreate the window the correct size
WindowCreate (win,
0, 0, -- left, top (auto-positions)
max_width + 10, -- width
(#quest_info + 2) * font_height + 5, -- height
7, -- auto-position: top middle
0, -- flags
-- heading
local text = "Current quest."
Display_Line (1, text, font_id, heading_colour)
-- list of mobs
for i, v in ipairs (quest_info) do
Display_Line (i + 1, v, font_id, text_colour)
end -- for
-- how long to go
local time_to_go = when_required - os.time ()
if time_to_go < 0 then
end -- if
text = string.format ("Time to go: %s", convert_time (time_to_go))
Display_Line (#quest_info + 2, text, font_id, time_colour)
WindowShow (win, true)
end -- show_quest_text
function questor_end (name, line, wildcards)
local text = wildcards [1]
-- work out when quest ends
when_required = os.time ()
local days = string.match (text, "(%d+) days?")
if days then
when_required = when_required + tonumber (days) * 60 * 60 * 24
end -- some days left
local hours = string.match (text, "(%d+) hours?")
if hours then
when_required = when_required + tonumber (hours) * 60 * 60
end -- some days left
local minutes = string.match (text, "(%d+) minutes?")
if minutes then
when_required = when_required + tonumber (minutes) * 60
end -- some days left
check (EnableTrigger ("questor_line", false))
check (EnableTrigger ("questor_end", false))
show_quest_text ()
end -- questor_end
function OnPluginSaveState ()
SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
end -- function OnPluginSaveState
function OnPluginInstall ()
win = GetPluginID ()
font_id = "fn"
font_name = "Comic Sans MS" -- the actual font
-- make win so I can grab the font info
WindowCreate (win,
0, 0, 1, 1, -- 1 x 1 pixel
1, -- position - irrelevant
0, -- flags
0) -- background colour
check (WindowFont (win, font_id, font_name, 13)) -- normal
font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 1) -- height
if GetVariable ("enabled") == "false" then
ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Warning: Plugin " .. GetPluginName ().. " is currently disabled.")
check (EnablePlugin(GetPluginID (), false))
end -- they didn't enable us last time
end -- OnPluginInstall
function OnPluginDisable ()
WindowShow (win, false)
end -- OnPluginDisable
</muclient> |