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➜ Log: STRFREE called on str_dup pointer:
Log: STRFREE called on str_dup pointer:
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Posted by
| Robert Powell
Australia (367 posts) Bio
| Wed 11 Jun 2014 11:03 AM (UTC) |
| Log: STRFREE called on str_dup pointer: quest.c, line 961
In mud.h pcdata
const char * questarea; /* Questmaster */
const char * questroom; /* Questmaster */
In quest.c update function
if ( ch->pcdata->questroom )
STRFREE ( ch->pcdata->questroom );
if ( ch->pcdata->questarea )
STRFREE ( ch->pcdata->questarea );
Can anyone tell me what is going on here, |
Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Wed 11 Jun 2014 08:12 PM (UTC) |
| Judging by the source, if you call str_alloc (STRALLOC) to duplicate a string you must call DISPOSE to get rid of it, and not STRFREE.
See this comment at the start of hashstr.c:
* Advanced string hashing functions (c)1996 D.S.D. Software, written by *
* Derek Snider for use in SMAUG. *
* *
* These functions keep track of how many "links" are pointing to the *
* memory allocated, and will free the memory if all the links are removed. *
* Make absolutely sure you do not mix use of strdup and free with these *
* functions, or nasty stuff will happen! *
* Most occurances of strdup/str_dup should be replaced with str_alloc, and *
* any free/DISPOSE used on the same pointer should be replaced with *
* str_free. If a function uses strdup for temporary use... it is best if *
* it is left as is. Just don't get usage mixed up between conventions. *
* The hashstr_data size is 8 bytes of overhead. Don't be concerned about *
* this as you still save lots of space on duplicate strings. -Thoric *
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Robert Powell
Australia (367 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 11 Jun 2014 09:18 PM (UTC) |
| I did try dispose but that also came back with a BUG similar to the other one. So i know there is something wrong somewhere.
DISPOSE called on STRALLOC pointer:
I went looking for where questarea and questroom are given any value and this is the first instance of it that I can find,
ch->pcdata->questroom = room->area->name;
ch->pcdata->questarea = room->name;
So both DISPOSE and STRFREE think that the other guy should be doing the cleaning up.
So what I am guessing I need to do is the following so that the string has been allocated correctly and then the macro will clean things up properly without issuing the bug.
ch->pcdata->questroom = STRALLOC ( room->area->name);
Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Thu 12 Jun 2014 04:09 AM (UTC) |
ch->pcdata->questroom = room->area->name;
ch->pcdata->questarea = room->name;
That is just copying the pointer, which is probably not a good idea. Certainly if you just copy the pointer you shouldn't dispose of it at all (you don't "own" it).
Probably you should str_dup it (duplicate the string) and then you own the copy. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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